"Hello Y/N! Welcome back to Rosewood. Finished with a quest I see?" Cronus asked you, a group of trolls gathered around him. From what you could tell, there was a book in his lap. He was probably telling stories of his youth.

Cronus is about 20 sweeps old, around 40 years in human years. He sports an eye patch on his left eye, you always wondered what had happened to him.  He had a mullet that was black as charcoal , adorned with berets and clips he'd let his grandson put on. (HE HAS A MULLET YOU CANT CHANGE MY FUCKING MIND)  For a shirt, he wears an elven-like tunic, embroidered with flowers. He also wore locksley pants, they were baggy with obvious stitching. His eyes were misty, as if a mountain of fog. Also, he wears a heart shaped locket, ever so often do you see him open it.

"I was just telling a story!" Cronus said in his usual voice, a voice of thrill. He gestured for you to sit by Sakast, another adventurer. You sit by zir.

"Which one of you wanna hear about my old adventuring buddy?" Cronus asked, leaning into the circle. Everyone got excited, like a bunch of kindergarteners when they get to go to the zoo.

"Well, it all started when.."

Trees danced in the wind, hyacinths drooped gloomily as a young Kankri approached a meeting spot. Cronus was propped against a tree, smirking at the approaching Kankri.

"Hey there baby" Cronus said flirtatiously and winking.

"Cronus, we may be -- matesprites but that doesn't mean you can use triggering language. What if you said it to someone who didn't know you? You could have possibly triggered them. It is not funny to use without consent. " Kankri began lecturing Cronus on how not to use the word 'baby' and how it's quite triggering.

Cronus POV

Kankri Vantas was and always has been attractive, even from far away. How a pink tint always dusted his cheeks, and don't forget the freckles! Oh, the freckles. He usually wore red, red tunic, red everything. Currently, he was wearing the armor, which had a medal on it. Despite him being a low blood, he's done outstanding things in his field! But as a short man in a green hat once told me: if you admire someone too much, you can never be free.  Me 'n  Kankri have been matesprites for at least a sweep now, it started on our eighth quest and now it's our last. We're up against a beholder this time, but back then, I didn't know it'd be the most traumatizing quest yet... Anywho, Kankri just finished his 5 mile long rant

"But I digress, you should know how triggering that is! I've told you multiple times Cronus."   Kankri scolded,

"Anyways-" Kankri got on his horse he led here.

"We should get going. We can get to Ustengrav before sundown and camp there. Then proceed to Bleak Falls Barrow where the Beholder is. It'll take us around a week in total."

I nodded, getting onto Bojack, my horse. We started riding into the sunset as trees began to dance.

"Isn't Ustengrav some old ass nordic ruin?" I say, only to be scolded by Kankri.

"Language! And yes it is. We won't be going inside though, just camping outside." He stated as I groan.

"Where's your sense of adventure chief?" I asked

"Well, we do have two kids at home we should come home to. Eridan and Karkat aren't exactly the best together, you do realize that? I'm not calling them horrible, in fact, they're little angels. "

Well, Eridan and Karkat were adopted as nobody wanted to raise them. So we took them in. Karkat, by Kankris words: needs to be more careful with his way to express emotion as it upsets others. For Eridan, he hasn't commented on him probably because he's helped me a lot. Kankri does his best not to upset me and kudos to him for it!

"I know, I know." I say as we come up on a turn, the scenery was even more beautiful.

"you know Kankri, the scenery is beautiful but you know what's even more beautiful -"

"Dont you complete that sentence." He interuppted while glaring at me, Jegus, he really hated me for calling him beautiful.

I chuckled to myself as we approached our destination. The rest of the ride was full of me trying to pull off pickup lines but failing miserably.

"I'll stop there, until tomorrow lads" Cronus said, getting out of his chair and placing the book back on his shelf.

You promptly left to the barracks before Cronus took hold of your arm.

"Be careful, adventurer."

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