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I stood at one end of a dark decrepit hall of an asylum, feeling the cool crisp air on my blood-covered finger tips. I looked around at the headless dead bodies of the hybrids I slaughtered. They were here to serve their master. And they served their purpose. To protect him. It was a feeble attempt but an attempt nonetheless. I caught whiff of a wretched scent from behind before hearing a high-pitch whistling. I spun around in a blur and caught a wrought iron jagged rod with one hand. I snapped it into two dropping the pieces to the floor before wiping my hands with a sigh. I looked up to find the one and only, Klaus Mikaelson standing at the opposite end of the hall. "You're gonna pay for what you've done, Hybrid." I said. "Not before you pay for ruining my plans." Klaus spat. "And how do you expect to do that?" I questioned stalking towards him slowly stepping over corpses. "I'm Klaus Mikaelson. You better pray that I don't." He snarled before storming down the hall. I squinted my eyes before freezing. "And when I do, I'm gonna make you wish you were dead." He growled. "A punishment worse than death. How original. Can't say I'm surprised given what you are. It's in the name." I said sarcastically. "How about this? I'm gonna give you a headstart and when I count to three...I'm going to hunt you down and drive that pitiful little wooden stick through your cold ass heart. Only then will you know the pain that I felt in Kol when he BURSTED INTO FLAMES!!" I spat enraged with blazing yellow-green eyes, quickening my pace. Klaus clenched his jaws tightening his grip on the stake continuing on his warpath. "YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL ME?! ME?! I'M NINE THOUSAND YEARS OLD! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" I shouted before breaking into a run. "LET'S FIND OUT JUST HOW IMMORTAL YOU ARE!!" Klaus yelled running as well. The two of us pouncing at one another with our fists raised in the air.


APRIL 1912

I stood staring out at the water before turning around to look at the magnificent work of art before me. The Titanic, sets sail for her maiden voyage in a couple of hours. And I was all but excited to let my fun begin. But of course, I have to wait for the right time or else it's just not enjoyable. I headed back into ship hearing the click of my leather shoes along the wooden flooring. I found myself standing in the main lobby of the cruise line. Watching most of the wealthy ascend and descend the elegant set of stairs holding champagne flutes in their gloved hands. I rolled my eyes, disgusted by the sight. I walked in the direction of the bar and ordered the strongest thing they had. "Nice coat." A man voiced coming from behind to stand beside me. I glanced over at him before downing the alcohol. Enjoying the burning sensation in my throat. "Must've paid quite a lot for it." He stated with a British accent. I squinted my eyes suspiciously. He reeked of death. Which I found both intoxicating and euphoric. "Hardly. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be somewhere where you're not." I answered giving the bartender a bill before looking at the strange man with a sarcastic smile. The man chuckled with a smile before walking away. "Your accent. It's not something I'm familiar with. Where are you from?" He asked. "Earth." I answered sarcastically continuing to walk away. To be honest, I don't know where I'm from. I remember just...opening my eyes standing on a desolate place in the middle of nowhere. But if I had to guess...I would have to say the outskirts of what would be known today as Egypt because after a few thousand years had passed, I watched the Pyramids of Giza rise from the sandy grounds to the reach the stars. "What's your name?" The man questioned determined to know me. I rolled my eyes becoming annoyed. "Isn't there someone else you can annoy besides me?" I asked. "Yes. But if I talked to someone else, how will I ever know who you are?" He answered with a smirk. I squinted my eyes irritated. "You really want to know who I am?" I asked. "You think I'd be hounding you with questions if I didn't?" He countered as I headed into the narrow corridor and turned a corner as he followed me. "Please stop following me. It's very annoying." I said. "Tell me your name and maybe I will." He answered. "How about I don't tell you and let you leave with both of your legs still attached." I countered turning around to face him with a devious smile before turning back around and walking outside onto the side balcony. "I don't see what the big deal is. I'm just asking for your name." He voiced grabbing my wrist. I let out an aggravated growl before spinning around, grabbing his throat, and slamming him into the wall next to us, pinning him there. "I told you. Leave. Me. Alone." I snarled in a raspy demonic voice baring fangs. He struggled against my iron grip before he growled back. His face contorted with rage as I watched darkened veins shoot up his face towards his now dark blood red eyes. He opened his mouth and snarled baring his own set of fangs lining his mouth. "Extraordinary. I've heard about your kind. Demonic beasts with incredible speed and strength. With the ability to live forever. Consumed with insatiable thirst for blood." I whispered. "MY NAME IS KOL MIKAELSON! AND I AM NO BEAST! I AM AN ORIGINAL VAMPIRE!" The man spat. "What's the difference?" I sounded with a roll of my glowing eyes. "EVERYTHING!" He growled slamming his fist into my face. I stumbled back a bit letting him go before he unleashed a flurry of attacks on me. I rose to my feet and evaded them all with ease. I spun around him grabbing his arm and pushing him to the floor, pressing my heeled boot to his neck. "You're fast, I'll give you that , Mikaelson. But not fast enough." I told him. "I think it would be wise of you to release our brother before things get out of hand." A man announced from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find a group of three people. Two males and one female. Two were blond and the last had dark brown hair. All attractive. "I think it would be wise if you told your brother here to stop pestering me with questions before it gets someone killed." I said twisting his arm a bit. "Be kinda hard to do that since an Original Vampire can't die." The blonde man voiced. "So confident in your ability to not die, are you? Then let us find out just how immortal you are." I asked. "Enough of this. We do not wish to bring you any harm but if you continue to harm our brother we will have no choice but to do the same to you. And trust me you don't want to take that chance. So stay your hand." The other male explained. I considered my options. "You know normally I wouldn't care about killing. But since you make such a convincing argument." I stated letting the Original free. "My name is Elijah, this here is my brother Klaus, and this is our sister Rebekah." The one named Elijah introduced. "So...the legends are true. The Mikaelson Family does in fact exist." I said. "You've heard of us?" Rebekah asked. "More than you know." I answered. "If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you were able to subdue my brother here?" Klaus asked. "Answer is simple. Sort of. Will I tell you? Probably not. Will I let the agonizing feeling of curiosity consume you from the inside out as you try to find out what I am? Possibly." I said with a wide grin. "Oh great. Another Kol." Rebekah stated rolling her blue eyes annoyed. "Sweetheart, I'm not like anything you've met in your many centuries of existence, vampiress." I countered shoving my hands into my pant pockets. I turned on my heels and walked away. "Your name. What is it?" Elijah asked. I stopped for a moment and smiled. "Nogitsune....but you can call me Stiles." I said before walking away whistling a tune.

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