~ Chapter 1 ~

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''Hello sir, is y/n here? They were supposed to come other today... They were even supposed to meet a friend of mine.'' Tubbo was awkward and mainly disappointed. He really wanted you to meet Tommy, who came all the way other to his house just to meet you. Your dad shaked his head saying no and closed the door. Tubbo was still standing in front of the porch, contemplating the brown wooden entrance. Where are they? 


Meanwhile a pair of legs were swinging over a building's edge. Listening to doja cat's song you were zoning out, forgetting everything. Smoke was coming out of your mouth. Feeling the comfort of risking your life, feeling the adrenaline rush through your veines, you would imagine a world without you. Just imagining how people would react... How would mom and dad react? How would Tubbo- OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT TUBBO!  fuck fuck fuck i promised him god. Why am I like this... 

end of tw

You were packing you stuff, put out the cigarette and tied your hair. You then quickly put on your shoes and ran towards the door. Your hand was about to reach the doorknob when suddenly the door blasted open. You saw Tubbo rushing in as he looked panicked. ''God y/n at least you're here. You promised me you would come on time. I even had to disturb your parents to ask where you were, and you know it really makes me uncomfortable speaking to adults...'' you looked down, feeling the intense pressure of disappointement. You kindly apologized to your friend '' I'm sorry Toby, I just caught up with the time.'' He just sighed and asked you to follow him. On the road to head back home he explained everything once again.

''So i'm really glad you finally get to meet Tommy, he's like super duper nice and i'm sure you'll like him a lot. I've known him for some time and yeah I just feel so comfortable around him haha. Anyways again just some things, do not talk to him about.. you know...''

You met his anxious eyes and reassured him ''Of course Toby need to worry, I've got this under control''. You noticed he didn't seem fully convinced so you insisted ''Bee I promise I won't talk to him about all the anxiety shit and i'll try to act cool and rational'' Tubbo blushed when he hear you use his surname, he knows when you say it you mean every single one of your words. You both then proceeded to head towards his home.

As you entered the living room you noticed a blond haired boy sleeping on the counch. You giggled and took advantage of the little time you had left before his awakening to go to the bathroom. You quickly took a glance at yourself, sighing as you noticed dark circles under your eyes. But luckily no one could tell if it was from the faded black makeup or lack of sleep. Anyways you couldn't care less about how emo or depressed you looked and just joined the boys. As you were walking around you could hear Toby's laugh echo around the house, filling your whole body of happiness.

Tubbo deserves to have some special moments and i'm glad he's doing better... past few months had been rough... your smile disappeared at that thought and you just prefered trying to forget the unfortunate events. I don't really feel like talking to anyone at the moment. But come on, a small effort for my best friend, he deserves all of it. He's worth all the efforts. God I need to smoke... I'll go after...

You bursted in the living room a wild smile on your face. "HELLOOOOOOO BOYSSS". Tommy's glance quickly went from Tubbo to you and his face light up as soon as he saw you. 'OH MY GOD! ITS SO NICE TO MEET YOU! HI IM TOMMY! WHY AM I SCREEMING? god so sorry... I know that by know you must think i'm pretty annoying haha I get that often, but damn Toby didn't tell me how cool you were! Your style is what frickin awsome!!!" 

You were impressed by Tommy's bright and cheerful attitude, you didn't think he would be as energetic as he seemed online. "HEEEEEY! Nah you're good bro and thanks! You look like o much fun i'm sure we're gonna get along. By the way i'm y/n nice to meet ya! Toby has told me SO MUCCCCCCH about you lmfao" Tommy laughed. A natural and loud laugh, which made you giggle.  Both of you then proceeded to mutually shake hands together and smiled. "I don't know why y/n but I feel like we will have lots of fun together"

He looks nice and innocent... Let's see how long before he learns to know me and leaves like all the others did...

"Yeah looking forward to it!"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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