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Author's Note: Hope you all are liking the fanfic, well this chapter might be bad since im running out of ideas so can you guys please give me ideas for the rest of the chapters?
Mabel's P.O.V.
Mabel could only be controlled by a remote that has certain buttons on it for each act Bill want Mabel do. "Augh." Mabel moaned. Her eyes were just black and Mabel didnt have that happy feeling or look in her anymore it all drained away. "Were am I who are you?!" She yelled at Bill in a serious but strict tone. "You'll see. Just WAIT" Mabel didnt wanna be controlled. Bill was controlling Mabel they walked in the forest Dipper was in.
Uh-Oh what will happen?!
Dipper's P.O.V.
Tired weak. Hungry. Whats next? Living alone?! I was lost. "Great job mind!" Dipper said angrily "How can we try to find Mabel now! Im to tired..." Dipper said in a sad tone. Dipper saw a figure coming close to him with the figures hands spread out like the Minecraft zombies. Then.... Everything went black.
Bill's P.O.V
This stupid child fell for my trap Heh. Pathetic. I am currently controlling Mabel to find Dipper the whole Pines family and wipe them out as well as the Mystery Shack. "Hurry up isosceles child!" I yelled in a demonic voice, Mabel quickly scattered to her feet and ran to Dipper. I have WON.

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