Mailman Meets Soldier

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Alright, this kinda sucked.

You got a partially-full night of sleep, but one of the worst ways to wake up is at five in the morning via loud trumpet blasting a good morning military bugle call. You jolted awake and sat up faster than you could process from the unexpected noise, blaring clearing right outside, followed by a "GET UP, MAGGOTS! WE GOT TRAINING!"

You did not remember signing up for boot camp-
If this whole mailman in Teufort thing was all just a dream and you were actually in the military, you would like to go back to that dream now-

You placed a hand over your heart as if to comfort the thundering organ. There was a familiar Scottish voice that shouted from inside the base; you only heard him because of the open windows- "We weren't supposed ta wake till six, ya bloody- ACK-!" That was followed by a crash of what you could picture as pots and some glass. "Aye, meh head..."

"Negatory! Five-thirty, but I'm giving you all thirty minutes to dress up and put on your makeup!"

Wow...morning's at RED Base...
You'd like to leave now.

The sun hadn't come up, but the sky was peeking with brighter shades of blue, the sun about ready to light up the morning sky. It was just bright enough to see your surroundings, and now you were remembering how you got here; not that you needed to think too hard about it, but there is an odd feeling after waking in a place like this and not where you thought you would be...or wanted to be.

You rested your head back down on the pillow with a flop and hugged onto the two plushies that smelt of pine and...something like lavender? You weren't too sure what that other smell was, but it was rich and smooth...honey? No, it wasn't that sweet-

The trumpet blared again, and you jolted back up. Again.

No way were you going to be able to get another wink of shut eye with that crazed soldier outside, so it looked like it was get-up time. You huffed, tearing off the two blankets and stretched as you got up. After a yawn and some back stretches, you bent down to grab the blankets. You might as well fold them and wait for Sniper...he had said he would drive you back earlier in the morning.

You looked out the window...Soldier was doing pushups. Who has that kind of energy in the morning? You shook your head...not as if being able to do that was a bad thing, but really because you couldn't imagine yourself doing that.
Within another minute, you saw Heavy; he was wearing some workout gear and had a rucksack on his back, ready to go and started his day with a morning weighted stroll.
Pyro was next out, alongside Engineer; Pyro wore workout clothes, different from their usual hazmat, but still wore the mask and Engineer wasn't dressed to really exercise, just came out with a handy cup-o-joe and his tool kit. By the looks of it, he was going to get back to your truck soon.
Spy came out to the porch and lit a cigarette.
Scout looked like he was still in pajamas and ran right over to your mail truck. "Ey, where's y/n?" You heard him ask the others quietly, being the first to notice you weren't in there. Spy shrugged in Scout's direction, not giving much of a care.

You wrapped up folding the blankets and stuck your head out the window of the small room, stepping over the mattress so as not to trip on it. "Up here, Scout!" You shouted and waved your hand out.

Scout was the first look up...followed by Pyro, Engineer, and Spy; Heavy and Soldier off doing their own thing. They all gawked a little, Spy of course quickly corrected himself.

"Y/n, what're you doin' up there?! Sniper don't like anyone bein' up in there!" Scout shouted at you, throwing red flags for you to get down.

"Unless, the Sniper invited them up there." Spy suggested Scout's way, exhaling the smoke.

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