Chapter 1: A Coronation of Sorts

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Half a century has passed since the Second Great War and an event was taking place in Crown Peak. Master Amilius Nestoris, the officiator for the event, stood in the front of the room, waiting for the coronation of the End and the Nether realms to watch over Ardonia for ages to come. Jasmine is outside, waiting for the moment the crown is placed on her head. Her body is as elegant as it could ever be and her eyes were closed. Amilius nodded, giving a reassuring smile to the Empress, thinking that peace had finally been made in all of Ardonia. Endermen began to teleport all around them, she nodded as well though her eyes remained closed and a faint smile was on her face. Amilius looked at the front gate, awaiting the guests to enter.

Wendy is the first to enter. She accidentally walked into the gate and stumbled a few steps back before going in. Then came Master Emmilia Voltaris, followed by Milan Sendaris. Flixii looks at the empress before taking a seat. An Enderman stared at him for whatever reason. He doesn't stare back. Then walked in Karnos Voltaris. In spite of the evil inside him, he goes in without a bit of a smile on his face. Kai and Rocky arrive as well. Wendy started to look around for the food. She then began to raid the buffet. Milan goes to get some food. Emmilia ate all the tomatoes, the one thing Wendy hadn't eaten already. Emmilia was insulted by this, as she likes tomatoes, and started to throw them at the tomato haters. Milan went back to his seat seeing the food finished. Wendy waddled over and sat in a seat, which broke underneath her. Emmilia threw more tomatoes and Wendy just rolled around. She trampled and rolled over a few people. Kai was a tad bit concerned about the situation. After a few minutes everything was refilled. Wendy ate everything again except the tomatoes. Rocky Voltaris sat in a corner and sketched some pictures. Emmilia was throwing tomatoes everywhere. At one point Wendy deflated and went back to normal. The whole place turned into a full-on tomato fight and Wendy started to eat everything, including some Endermen. Milan left his seat and waited outside, questioning Qwndy's eating habits.

From the far skies, a black dot is spotted. Soon it got larger and larger to reveal more of the figure, it appeared to be having two large wings and four legs. Soon enough, strong winds buffeted the crowd, blowing leaves away, but the Empress stood her ground and continued to look down. The large figure was soon revealed to be a large dragon. It landed behind the bride as it roared loudly, enough for the entire church to hear her. The dragon's name was Shine. From the back of the dragon, Jasmine's two sons, Pluto and Janus, arrived to witness their mother's coronation.

Wendy was out of control and eating everything in her sight, literally everything. The guests were frantically trying to stop her. Fisheus Sendaris walked in and sat down whilst taking a sip of tea and enjoyed the show. Wendy was now huge. Emmilia threw a tomato in Fishues' tea. He gasped and retaliated with more tomatoes. Rocky finished a sketch of the chaos. To Fisheus' horror, the cake was gone. He quickly went for more tea before that was gone as well. Milan just waited outside while witnessing the chaos. The place was being destroyed. Emmilia stole Fisheus' tea right from his grasp, surprisingly not spilling it. He gave chase before she threw it at him, soaking him in warm tea. He gasped in shock as she chuckled. He fired an Aggrobeam, but she rolled away and threw tomatoes. Milan pulled out his sword, preparing to defend himself if things get too out of hand. Master Chromius Sendaris arrived at the scene. He called Emmilia "Chonk", which prompted the two to fight. Fisheus started to get leave but Emmilia was still throwing tomatoes at him while fighting Chromius at the same time. Fisheus had somehow found another cup of tea. He used Mobilibounce to escape her. People yeet one another across the place. Fisheus made it to safety and prepared another tea. He gave one to Amilius who came by, as well as Milan who also drank tea with them. They laughed about the situation and some weird idea called a "Minecraft Roleplay". Guards forced the guests back into their seat and Amilius finally began the ceremony.

Amilius: "People of Ardonia! Today we've all come here to the coronation of the leader of the two realms. Ardonia's fate will fall under Empress Jasmine, daughter of Queen Abbigail and King Vulcannus."

Amilius glanced at Jasmine.

Amilius: "Jasmine, do you hereby swear to care for the Nether and End, as well as its inhabitants and protect them for as long as you reign?"

Jasmine's eyes still remained closed, then she opened them in the perfect time as Amilius raised Nestor, all the Endermen looked at the staff while an Enderman teleported beside Jasmine. They gently took her hand as she stood up. Shine spread her wings out and flapped them, creating large gusts of wind as Jasmine started to walk with the Enderman inside the church. She walked past everyone but kept her gaze upon the crown. Once she arrived at a certain near distance, the Enderman let go of her hand and teleported away as she walked up to Amilius and stood in front of him, smiling widely. Amilius asked Jasmine

Amilius: "So what is your response Ky'Empress?"

Jasmine: "Yes, I do."

Jasmine responded. Amilius faced the crowd and slammed Nestor, creating an echo across the church.

"And here I present to you, the ruler of the End and the Nether!".

The guests gave the Empress a round of applause.

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