Payback Time- Parts 11&12

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Anxiety has over taken me... I sighed at the contours of his tight chest and sculptured pelvis. Truly his total package amazed me. Graceful soft pecks on my dark brown neck. Light wispy passes of his hands over the tips of my attention-getting nipples. The whirring and clicking of his easily adjustable tongue, as it wound it’s way up my thighs. The way he teases me is mind boggling. His fine physical attributes are so masculine
It makes my heart flutter. It’s as if his body had been carved with expert
precision out of the finest stone by God himself. He joined me in a rhythmic dance as I exhibited in an orgasm. So erotic; nothing but sheer ecstasy.
I met her hungry kisses... I wanted my kisses to infect her with ounces of
love, peace, and the comfort I believe she deserves. Her aroma... I can’t seem to get enough of the essence of her perspiration. The sight of her makes me want to write a love poem!
Such a splendid feeling; so unimaginable.
I want to please her heart, mind, body, and soul with the presence of my existence.
I’m not sure if I want it to be passion or hot bountiful sex. I am overwhelmed.
We're trapped in this deep emotional well. Please tell me this is real... If it is, I seek to scale the mountain of happiness with her because my heart is in her hands.
As we lay I'm wrapped in his arms. He whispers in my ear, " I will do whatever needs to be done to make you happy. I want to be your healer. Give me all the information about Jewels and in the morning when I get to work I will began searching for him so you can wrap your arms around your baby boy. As I told you before; my family is full of officers and detectives. So I will take care of everything. When I find him what would you like me to do with him?"
I don't know what it was. Whether I was emotional or not. Because before last night I have never thought about hurting anyone. But this Jewels; he has me very livid. Rebecca never responded to my question but I'm going to personally make it my business to find and deal with that coward myself.
I woke up feeling great and well rested. I'm so anxious to get to work. I gotta get started on finding Jewels.
Sitting at my desk inputting the info into the computer. 'Jewels Neita.' Born and raised in Negril, Jamaica. I need to contact Brian; my best friend. He used to spend summers in Negril with his father. And I know he can contact some of his folks to find out Jewels mother's address and phone number.
My shift is finally over. I seemed as if time was dragging. I couldn't get back to Rebecca fast enough. I wonder if she's as excited as I am.
I was stuck when Victor asked me what did I want him to do with Jewels. I just closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I had just had the best sex ever and I didn't want to fuck up that feeling by thinking about that shit.
It's a new day and I can't stop thinking about Rajem. Sitting watching tv and a diaper commercial came pops up and all I can do is cry. I miss his smell, his little giggles, litlle fingers and toes. I ended up crying and rocking myself to sleep.
Aroud 5pm Victor arrives and my mind eases instantly. I hope he has some good news for me.
On my way to Rebecca's house and I get a call from Brian. One of his cousins gave him a number for a girl named Ada. He told me she is Jewels half sister.
I immediately gave her a call.
Hello, am I speaking to Ada? My name is Victor Levine. I'm a officer in here in Raleigh, North Carolina. I would like to know if Jewels Neita is your brother and if so when was the last time you spoke to him. Do you have a contact number for him?
Hello Officer Levine. Yes this is Ada and yes Jewels is my brother. Can you tell me why you are trying to contact him?
Yes ma'am I'm investigating a missing persons case. Your brother Jewels left the home with your nephew Rajem a couple days ago. He hasn't been seen or heard from and Rajem's mother, Rebecca is worried. She wants her son to be returned back to her. So is it possible that you can provide me with a address or phone number.
Fiancee? A baby? Me know nothing about a nephew! Jewels phones once a week and never mentioned any of what your speaking of.
Wow! So you didn't know he had a family here. I'm sorry that I had to be the one to inform you of this. When was the last time he called?
This is crazy and why would he just run off with his son. What is going on? Jewels is a piece of shit. He left me and my mother here for dead, ya knah. I don't bother to speak with him... He talks to he mum. We got tortured for many years because of what he's done. Mum has been sick for some time now and he does nothing. The bumbaclot is worthless ya knah. I will text you the last number he called from. Good Night Sir.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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