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Y/n ran upstairs to nialls room.
She went into the room.

Y/n:" Niall I'm so sorry. It was an accident..."
Niall:" accident?"
Y/n:" yes-"
Niall:" were you drunk?"
Y/n:" no..."
Niall:" Did you take drugs ?"
Y/n:" no...."
Niall:" It wasn't an accident."
Y/n:" please niall."
Niall:" get out"

Y/n went out of nialls room and was really angry and sad.
She took her purse and went to a kiosk.
She buyed alcohol and cigarettes.
She sat down at a park and started smoking and drinking.
Y/n just wanted to kill her baby.
Suddenly louis came to y/n.

Louis:" y/n!! WHAT?"
Y/n:" whats the problem"
Y/n:" no"

Louis went with y/n home.
Y/n still had her cigarette on and went inside.
She was drunk again.

Liam:" Y/N? WHAT"
Y/n:" hi"

Liam took the cigarette and broke it

Liam:" you killed it."

Louis looked confused to liam.

Louis:" what?"
Liam:" she WAS pregnant."
Louis:" YOU?"
Y/n:" omg I hate you. And now LET ME GO"

Y/n tried to kick louis but missed.
Suddenly niall came downstairs.

Liam:" wow good. THANKS NIALL."
Niall:" why is it my fault now?"
Liam:" You just left y/n alone"
Niall:" and?"

The boys weren't looking at y/n.
Y/n took another cigarette and smoked it.

Liam:" Y/N ENOUGH!"
Y/n:" ey Why?"
Niall:" okey I'm sorry"
Y/n:" you?"
Louis:" Niall can't you see? Shes drunk. "
Y/n:" drunk? Me?"

Liam took y/n and went upstairs.

Louis:" Niall..."
Niall:" okey it was my fault."
Louis:" Its a bad situation. She was pregnant."

Niall recognized what he did.

Next day:"

Y/n stood up and took some clothes out of the closet.
She took a black skirt and a white top.
She took the cigarettes and but it into her purse.
Y/n went downstairs.
All the boys were sitting on the table.

Niall:" Y/N"
Y/n:" shut up"

Y/n dropped her purse and the cigarettes fell out.
Y/n wanted to take the cigarettes but Liam stood up and but the cigarettes away.

Y/n:" ey liam! They are mine."
Liam:" no"

Liam dropped the cigarettes and jumped on them.


Y/n slapped liam and went away.
She was really angry.
Y/n went to the next kiosk to buy some new cigarettes.
After that she went home and wanted to go upstairs but she saw the boys on the sofa staring at her.

Harry:" Can I look inside your purse?"
Y/n:" no you can't"
Louis:" come on y/n. Smoking isn't good for you!"
Y/n:" you know what? you're annoying."

After that y/n went upstairs to her room and smoked.

-knock knock-

Y/n:" fuck off"
Niall:" please"
Y/n:" what do you want?"
Niall:" I wanted to apologize...."
Y/n:" you dont need to."
Niall:" please put the cigarette away now"

Y/n put it away and looked at niall.

Niall:" so.."
Y/n:" I hate my life"
Niall:" WHY"
Y/n:" my mom died. I killed a baby. I drank so much and I started smoking.."
Niall:" It's not your fault."
Y/n:" mhm yes"
Niall:" come here"

Niall hugged y/n
Y/n started crying in Niall arms

Niall:" give me all cigarettes and alcohol you have"
Y/n:" no"
Niall:" y/n? Please"

Y/n opened her purse.
It was full with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.

Y/n:" well no I'm going to the bathroom."

As soon as y/n went to the bathroom, niall called the boys.

Zayn:" okey WHAT THE FCK"
Louis:" I don't know what to say."
Harry:" It's not the y/n that we know."
Y/n:" people change."

All of them turned around and saw y/n standing there.

Y/n:" I'm sorry."
Liam:" I-"
Y/n:" Please just throw them away. I can't see them now"

After Niall threw everything away he got back.

Y/n:" thanks..... and I'm sorry"

Y/n started crying because she realized what she did.

Niall:" eyyyyy y/n dont cry"

Niall hugged y/n


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