Chapter o2

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Yari POV

I woke up with the sunlight blazing into my eyes. I woke up noticing I was still in the small little abandoned warehouse I was in last night, my stomach grumbling and hurting. It was unexplainable how weak and nauseous I felt, the same way I  had been feeling since last week. I said a quick prayer as I sluggishly got up and walked out of the warehouse and onto to the Chicago streets for some air. I was walking for about 10 minutes when a green piece of paper appeared at my toes.

There under my feet laid a $10 bill. Happiness overtook me. I could finally eat something real! I didn't even realize I was jumping around until I started to get stares from people. I closed my mouth and died down a little after that.

I looked around for the nearest food place, my body couldn't wait anymore. I spotted a burger king and dashed inside as I then joined the line and waited my turn. Just looking at the menu made my stomach growl instantly. When I got to the front I didn't know what to get. I hadn't even heard the cashier speaker to me, my focus was on the cooking going on behind her.

She waved her hand in my face. "Hello?! Welcome to Burger King may I take your order! damn!" She said louder clearly annoyed.

I smiled at her. "I apologize..." I looked at the menu again undecided. After all I hadn't dined here in a few years. "What do you recommend from your menu?" I asked her nicely.

"Well I usually order the orginal chicken sandwich with lite lettice, cut in half with cheese."

"That sounds great can I have that with.... a large fry, a medium milkshake and an iced tea."

She nodded and tapped it in on her computer thing. "That will be $11.48 " she spoke.

"Uhh...."Looking down at the bill in my hand I sighed in disappointment. "I guess you can take off something." I said in a lower tone.

She looked into my hands. "You only have ten huh?" She took it out of my hands. "It's alright I gotchu' just dont tell my boss," She winked at me then put then put the money in the register.

"Thank you so much! I wont I promise." I said smiling thankfully. No one had been nice to me in a while, mostly everyone on these streets were mean and grumpy to a dirty homeless girl. Although some did give me money because they felt bad.

She told me to step to the side and wait for my food. As I stepped towards the side I heard laughing and cackling coming from behind me. Turning around a little I looked out of the corner of my eye. There were four girls that were laughing and pointing in my direction.

"Look at her shoes to." One said and they all bursted out laughing. At this point I knew they were talking about me. My clothes were dirty and torn mostly because my suitcase I packed the night 'that lady' told me to leave was stolen from me as I slept. I looked down at my shoes, my Jordan Gamma Blue 11s that were brand new when I left were now dirty and muddy.

My mother had bought these for herself but when she realized they were too little, it was too late to return them. So she gave them to me. She would always buy herself nice and designer things while I had to wear old clothes. Nonetheless we had a great mother daughter relationship.

That was until she met Kirk and got with him. When she began seeing Kirk, she spent way less time with me and I was fine because I was happy to see her happy. But she became meaner to me and stricter. She began talking to me less and treating me horrible. We argued often and she would go out and come home drunk with him every night. She was drunk or high every other night.

I started to feel sad and look down. My confidence level was at an all time zero. I mean I know I looked ugly but I didn't need anyone to tell me that. I just waited for my food quitly and then sat down to start eating.

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