💫💫 Quarantine with Gibbs 💫💫

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- Gibbs is fine with it. For about a day. He spends the whole day working on his boat but after that he gets annoyed, and wants to go back to work to put bad guys behind bars. He even admits he misses his team/abby/ducky/Palmer.

- You aren't great with it. Your a social butterfly, you love hanging out with your friends/colleagues and going out on the weekends but you can't do any of that during quarantine.

- Despite how much you both hate it, you both understand that you need to stay inside to protect everyone, including yourselfs, so you stay inside and only go out if it's necessary.

- Shopping trips are only once a week, you take turns going, each time whoever went bring backs a new film to watch and some new foods to try as you both needed to have something to look forward too.

- Even though you both complain about it, you actually enjoy just being able to stay home and cuddle into Gibbs, watching films and shopping on Amazon. All the time.

- You take up yoga, then drawing, then painting, then yoga again, and finally ending with baking, each lasting about 3 days. And you actually became a rather good baker.

- Gibbs work on his boat and helped you bake, he also found out he was rather good at drawing and now enjoys to draw whenever he can.

- As for masks you made them! They have the NCIS logo on the side and are plain black, as Gibbs wanted everyone to know that you could kick there ass.


- You didn't really understand it, as you were only 4, but you didn't complain too much! Mcgee, Jimmy (there dating because I need serotonin), Ducky, Tony, Ziva and Abby moved in with you and Gibbs for quarantine as he didn't want you to be alone. And he had a huge house.

- You thought it was awesome that they were all staying over! Like a huge sleepover. But after a week you were wondering why they were still there. So you asked Gibbs and he explained that there was a sickness in the world and we all had to stay inside so we were safe, which was fine! But you thought that ment if someone just stood outside they would get sick, that lead to you crying your eyes out anytime anyone left to go to the shops.

- The team was a great help, they kept you occupied and did lots of stuff with you, you beat Mcgee in a game (He let you win but you didn't need to know that), you did a puzzle with Jimmy and Ducky, made a teddy with Abby, cooked with Tony and ziva, and  helped your dad with his boat!

- You did miss going into NCIS and helping (thinking you did anyway) with the teams work, so they made up a fake case for you to solve. It was very fun and everyone made it feel so real!

- Gibbs was worried, he didn't want you or anyone on the team to get sick, but he was also worried that you would get SAD or upset because you couldn't go and play with your friends ect. But he was glad you took it well and enjoyed yourself, of course there were a few melt downs (from everyone) but all in all it was better than he thought it would be.


I'll be putting the dating and kid one in the Quarantine series as it's easier!

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