Chapter 3

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This the continuation of the last chapter and this is for my cousin/best friend hailee I hope you like it.

The room is the same, I look around, and get the feeling I am being watched. Red eyes glow brightly in the darkness of the abandoned hotel.

     "Hola amigos, it has been quite a while since we last saw each other hasn't it?" I immediately recognize the voice and it's owner Raphael, He cackles and it makes my blood run cold.

     "Raphael, what do you want with us?" I asked even though I couldn't see my own two hands I knew I was shaking.

      "Hello Clarrisa, it has been quite a while hasn't it, how is your friend what is his name again, and the werewolf did he not come with you today?" He announced with a voice that clould wake the dead.

      "His name is simon, and he is just fine well, as fine as he can be since you changed him and luke is just fine, he is actually he with us." I retort in a rude tone that I would never use if my mother was here, I quickly grab my serpah blade in a moment of shear rage , and I run toward Raphael, just close enough to see his crimson colored eyes and I quickly throw my serpah blade, I immediately hear a low growl come from his throat, and I see a blur and i now know that we are not going to find that demon without a fight and its all because of me.

     "Oh Clarrissa, you shouldn't have done that" he says grabbing me by my throat and throwing me back against a wall I feel my head hit the wall, and something wet runs down to my neck, I can only assume that it is blood.

     "Clary, clary" Jace yells and everything begins to spin just like with the ravener poison, I hear something hiss at me.

     "Clary , Valentine is not dead Clary" the voice says and I then hear a thud thud, thud, thud.

Whatever it is moves closer, until I feel the hot breath and something drip on me it gets on my skin and burns like acid, I scream. It's a ravener demon I think to myself . I try to keep the demon from biting me but it was stronger than me I sank its stinger into my neck, i could feel the poison it burns like liquid fire ,I screamed

     "Clary, clary stay awake" Jace says.

     " Stupid demons" I say, as I cough,I look at my hand and see blood.

     "Don't move" He says making me lay still on my back I move slightly and am rewarded with searing pain that feels as if someone were dropping acid over every part of my body, I scream but almost nothing comes out, I taste what could be blood in my mouth.

     "I said don't move, If you move the poison will spread faster, Do you think you could walk?" He asks I can tell he is worried by his voice , I nod which is a lie "No I can't walk the pain is excruciating" I say to myself, I smell dirt and blood  just like the first time we met when I was attacked by a ravener demon , I get up and it feels like I'm on a boat swaying back and forth but when in a reality I'm not, I walk with jace out of the hotel and see police cars this time I know there is a very slim chance any of them are human. I see a woman with her shirt torn slightly but I don't see any skin it's just bone, she reaches out to grab me and jace swings his serpah blade and the woman falls to the ground.

     "Jace, where is Alec, did Isabelle pick him up?" I ask but he doesn't answer everything is silent, I look at him and see that he has a new rune, I've seen it before what was its name a voice in my head says it for me it is the rune of mourning, which means alec must be dead. "Jace is alec-", he cut me off.

"No,clary, he is not dead but he is injuried very bad but if he would died  he would have died doing what he loved saving one of the people he cared about and their is  slim chance he might not make it" He said, I could tell he was going to cry and jace never cries.

  We get back to the institute and I immediately head to the infirmary.

    "Where is alec?" I say with tears running down my face. Isabelle stares at me if only looks could kill I would be on the ground.

     "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" she screams hitting me in the face.

       " Isabelle that is enough" jace says anger in his voice

       "Clary, izzy, jace why are you guys screaming?" A voice says

"Magnus did you say something?" Jace asks

"No, I was watching these two fight" he says point to me and izzy.

  I think to myself it must be- I am cut off by a scream


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