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                               *mattias pov*

We walked into the house and I could tell Cynthia looked clueless so I said something

Me/mattia: here let's take Ava(you)to her room


We then walked into Your room and Cynthia looked shocked

Cynthia:this is her room

Me/mattia:yep it's how she wanted it

Cynthia:dam she has good style/taste damm

She says as she puts you  in her bed and tucks her in,I then turn of the lights and we go downstairs

Alvaro:ayeee y'all are back

Me/mattia:yes,yes we are Now what do you want

Alvaro:I- BITCH how did you know I want something

Me/mattia:bc that the exact same sentence you say every time you want something so what do you want

Alvaro:I wanna go to an ice cream shop!!


me/mattia:but ava(you) is slee-

Me and the boys plus Cynthia then hear you scream


I then rush upstairs and see her bailing her eyes out so I rush to her and put her on my lap while hugging her (if that made sense)


End of mattias pov

Mhm sorry for not updating i have exactly no motivation right now  lmao

216 words

Mattias daughterWhere stories live. Discover now