Chapter Three: Aradia

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Aradia Medigo was a girl of mystery. She always knew exactly what time it was. She was always smiling. And she could get along with anyone.

Aradia was only here because she was dead. Or thought she was, at least.

Her Tech, Damara would often have to explain that Aradia was very much alive, and needed to stay that way.

But Aradia knew, they told her, told her she was dead, told her how she could talk to the humans, and she listened.

Get it out





This happened often, Aradia would wake up screaming and clawing at her chest, as if she were trying to rip out her own heart. That was also exactly what she was trying to do.

And gradually, the cheery Girl turned sullen and monotone, she distanced herself. She was dead. She had no business with them. But they still urged her to speak with them despite her discomfort.

Ghosts aren't supposed to communicate with humans.

She would scream and cry, but she still wouldn't talk. She couldn't.

Aradia Medigo was now mute.

They became angry with her, and they told her she'd failed her duty as a Maid. She didn't care.

They whispered things now. Horrible things. Her loved one dying. Her friends suffering. Her home burning.

She couldn't take it anymore.

The Maid of Time was dead.

And now she had to pay.

Aradia Medigo was placed in solitary confinement three days before Sollux arrived. Little did she know, that was the boy who would cause her end.

((A/N: yo. Aradia is batshit. Also the pre-scratch and post-scartch trolls aren't related. Neither are John and Jane or Jake and Jade. Striders and Lalondes are though. Three chappies one night whut- Its also human stuck if you didn't already know. Also theres no Gamzee.))

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