I'm Taller! (Fluff?)

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A/N: I borrowed this idea from @panicking-gay

Virgil rubbed his forehead in exasperation. He and Janus had been arguing for 10 minutes about who was taller. Of course, they were both short but Janus was insisting that Virgil was shorter.

"Janus..for the last time, your hat gives you extra height! Unless you take off the hat, it's not a fair judgment!" Virgil argued. Janus looked smug.

"You're just mad that I'm taller," Janus said with a smirk. Virgil groaned.

"No. It's not fair because you have a hat!"

"What are you two arguing over?" Logan asked as he came into the living room.

"Janus is insisting that he's taller than me," Virgil said. Logan frowned.

"That can't be an accurate experiment since De- I mean, Janus... has a hat. This gives him a completely unfair advantage," Logan said. Janus frowned.

"You're biased, Logan," the snake side said.

"How? I'm giving evidence for why your argument of you being taller is invalid," Logan said simply.

"Ha! Take off the hat, Janus. Or are you scared I am taller?" Virgil taunted. Janus hissed and held on to the brim of his hat tightly.

Virgil snatched the hat quickly and Logan sized them up. "You're the same height, down to the inch," the logical side concluded. Janus laughed. "Ha! You aren't taller after all," he said and turned to Virgil.

Virgil stared at Deceit blankly. "You idiot, we are the same height. Which means, you aren't taller either," Virgil said. Logan left silently, not wanting any part of the argument at this point.

"You're not taller though."

"Listen you overgrown snake, it doesn't mean that you are." Janus put his hat on carefully as he watched Virgil with a satisfied smile.

"You thought you were taller and you were wrong Virgil," Deceit said with a chuckle. He sank out before Anxiety could respond.

A/N: This chapter sucks, I know. I'm sorry about that, but I'm tired. Cut a chick some slack. I'm going to update at least three more times before Christmas, but it's gonna be hectic for about 2 weeks. So forgive me if updates are slow. Leave requests in the comments, as always. Take it easy guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

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