The stranger with the baby

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It's 5 p.m in the morning,Steve and Danny are asleep at their bed.Someone knocks on the door,Danny,still half asleep,checks his phone while Steve grabs his gun
Danny-It's 5 p.m who the hell is it?
Steve-I don't know but I'm gonna find out
He wears a shirt,he goes down holding his gun,Danny does the sam,they point their guns at the door,Steve opens,they see a guy in a suit holding a baby girl
man-Lower your weapons please
Steve and Danny lower their guns,they look at the man confused
man-May I come in please?
Steve-Would you mind telling us who you are?
man,My name is Connor Wesley,friend of Catherine's
Danny-Catherine?as we say Catherine Rollins?
Steve-What are you doing here and why did you bring your daughter with you?
man-She's not my daughter
Steve-Then whose daughter is she?
man-Yours Commander
Steve looks very confused,he looks at the man and then at the baby and then at Danny and then back at the man and that keeps going for ome seconds.Danny steps in
Danny-For beginning come in
He and the baby come in,Danny closes the door,Steve keeps looking confused
Danny-Okay,I'm going to say what my partner wants to but he can't,WHAT?Steve has a daughter?
man-Yeah,when Catherine left she was pregnant.She didn't knew it,she gave birth but at her mission she made many powerful enemies which putted Skye in danger and she asked me to bring her to her dad,you Commander McGarrett
Steve-Hold on,I have a daughter?
man,Yes,her name is Skyler,Skye for short
He gives her to Steve who takes her gently and keeps her at his hug,she looks at him and she smiles.
Steve-I don't know what to say
man-I wouldn't know either if I were at your position Commander
Danny-Do you wanna stay?We could offer you a coffe or a tea
Man-Thanks but I don't have time,I have to catch a flight back,those are her stuff
He hands Steve a bag
man-Goodmorning gentlemen
He leaves
Danny-Goodmorning to you too and thanks

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