2: the guy from the airport

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I wake up with a knot in my stomach. My mom said I have time to go and say bye to some friends but I don't think i'm mentally prepared for that. I grab my backpack and we get in the car and head to the airport.

the closer we get to the airport the more I start to realize that i'm actually leaving. I start to think about the first day of high school with Y/B/N and how the night before we stayed up and talked about what we were going to wear.

I feel tears fall. I grab my headphones and put them in my ears. I watch everything fly behind me from the window.

"hey..this is going to be great! don't look so sad"

but i hate this. I hate having to leave my friends and memories behind.

"you're right, i'm so happy we're doing this"

I lied.

"great! well here we are"

I sigh. here we go. starting all over.

*time skip because the details of the airport are boring 😀*

I fell asleep with my headphones in on the plane. I feel my mom shake my leg. I open my eyes.


"we're here!"

my anxiety starts to rise. we grab all our carry on and move out the plane. it's cold. I guess that's Seattle weather for you. I'm still super tired. It's 7 in the morning on a Saturday. I should be asleep still.

"hey mom can i stop by the bathroom and change into something you know..cute"

"yeah i'll wait here"

I walk to the bathroom rubbing my eyes. I change into some jeans and a hoodie i slip my converse shoes on and sit on the toilet, mom doesn't know it but I smoke, I sit in the stall for a while and check my snapchat after a few minutes I leave and run to my mom.


i couldn't see her. i look to the right of me and still couldn't see her. I look to the left- wow, I make eye contact with a tall brown haired boy who had the prettiest eyes. we don't break eye contact, he pasts in front of me and I get a hold of his scent, he smelt amazing-

"Y/N!! sorry i went to go check out about our other boxes and stuff they said it should all be here by tomorrow"

I'm still speechless. I could careless about what mom was talking about right now all I wanted to know was...who was that boy?!

"hellooo?! are you listening"

"huh? oh yeah that's good so where do we go now?"

"well our cars won't be here till tomorrow as well so we'll just have to rent one for now"

as we walk to the car rental across the street I can't seem to forget him. Is he just visiting? does he live here? what school does he go to? i'm still listening to music but my thoughts seem to be louder than my music. i'm glad I changed my clothes. It's so cold. as we cross the street I feel someone coming from behind me. I look. Its him. we make eye contact again and he gives a small side smile. I feel my heart drop to my ass. WHO IS THIS GUY?! I look back once more and he's walking the other direction. SHIT Y/N YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING.

*time skip again 🤠*

we stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things for now. We also went to go and do some other things and by the time we actually got to our house it was 5pm but me and mom were exhausted.
we pull up to the new house. we only have blankets and pillows so we make little beds in the living room for now. mom and I make breakfast for dinner we sit and talk then soon both of us are asleep. But even with me sleep. I still can't stop picturing the guy from the airport.


ajfkfijsc i hope this is enjoyable 😅 i know it's kinda going slow but IM TRYING 🧎🏽‍♀️also this whole mother daughter relationship is making my mommy issues act up 😀 i'll trying and update this as often as i can!! thank you for reading <33

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