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After what felt like hours of misery in a confined space we were finally released from the metal bird, I think I may have been the happiest person there not only to be getting off the plane, as that made up most of my energy to get myself off but also that I'm back.

As we get off the plane through the terminal and go through the checks, its dark and I can't see anything, I think we stopped for an hour or so in the US but we were permitted to stay on the plane, oh how I love delays. Now we're stood here like a bunch of seagulls waiting for a fish to pop up out of the water, yes I mean I'm waiting for my luggage. I was able to bring quite a lot of it back with me but the rest of it will be shipped over in a few weeks, my parents packed light as they are only staying for a week or so to help me settle in and plan everything out. Whilst waiting I take out my camera to continue my vlog.

"So we finally made it back to the UK, even after a hellish plane journey we are in one piece and awaiting the arrival of our luggage, so it looks like we'll be here for a few more hours in my favourite place on earth!" I turned my camera around the the never ending turn table of luggage slowly being picked up one by one, leaving those few unfortunates who have had their luggage 'misplaced'.

Eventually we got our luggage and were able to finally leave, meaning I could see what has changed in the last 5 years, as I step outside of the airport I'm met by frost, and bitterness, the same grey clouds that seem to never clear. Home, nothings changed, just how I like it. We find our car and get in, it will take an hour to get to my flat and then we have to settle in, my parents sorted out the furniture etc that will be needed that isn't there already so it's just up to me on how I'll decorate it all. I brought my collages with me but left the photo wall back in Vancouver, they were my memories as a child, its about time I make some new ones.

My parents discuss with me the arrangements of the next few weeks, the school year starts in a months time so I have plenty of time to get settled and organised. Luckily for me I get to study my favourite subject which I excelled in my A levels, History and politics, it may seem a little heavy handed with the politics but I have am advantage of learning specifically about Canadian history and the political system they had, as well as history everyone else learned. We arrive at a lane and drive down until we reach the very end, there to greet me is a small house, which is all dainty and cute, I thought I was getting a flat? As we get out of the car I have a very confused expression on my face and take out my camera.

"Right now I'm very confused, as we made it out of the airport, yes the fish did reach the surface and we apparently have arrived at our final destination, which I was told is a small flat, but I'm greeted with this." I turn my camera away from me and to the house, then back at me as I pull a very shocked face. "I have no idea what I've gotten myself in for here." I slide my camera back into my bag as my parents unlock the door. 'This can't be it can it?' The little voice in my head asks.

As I step inside its beautiful, is old fashioned but welcoming, the hallway has wooden floors with purple walls, leading to a stairway, I look up and quickly run up them taking me to a kitchen and dining room and a wash room along the corridor. I run back downstairs and take a look around. I walk forward and I walk into a living room which has cream wallpaper, a mantel with a fireplace, a big window looking out into the street to my neighbours house, and wooden floors with a cream rug in the middle of the room with a big coffee table on top of it. I walk out and explore more, I find two bedrooms and a big bathroom with an old style bathtub, I love it so much. The bedrooms are roughly the same size, I'll use the second one as a spare room in case I have family over or friends, that is if I make any. I place all my stuff into my bedroom whilst my parents place their bags into the spare room. When they come out I run into them hugging them tightly.

"So did we do good?" My dad asks, I squeeze tighter and smile into the two of them.

"You did swell." I smile into them, when I finally release them we bring in all the furniture I have with me and what I don't have and won't have I'm going to buy myself either online or I may have to adventure into the great outdoors, or in my case the supermarkets.

I manage to get all my stuff into my room but leave the walls bare and only unpack a few things, I will have to wait until my walls are decorated before I decorate them then. I find my laptop and begin to upload my vlog and edit it all, I let everyone know on Twitter and the best part is no one has any idea I'm returning. When I found out my parents made me keep it a secret so no one will know, or find out. These people being the Harries, our parents remained in touch and managed it quite well, none of them mention the elephant in the room, all except Emmy as whenever my parents Skype Rebecca and Andy after they've spoken Emmy appears on screen and I'm demanded. Emmy has grown up so much since I left, I wish I could say the same for the twins but obviously not.

By the time the vlog has been uploaded I go for dinner upstairs, which is still very strange that my bedrooms downstairs and the kitchens upstairs. Turns out my parents ordered us a pizza and well all sat down and ate it, discussing the plan for the next few days.

"Tomorrow we'll go to the supermarket then the B&Q, sort out furniture and decorations, the next day we'll order the rest of the stuff you need, alright sweetheart?" My dad asks, I nod whilst I enjoy a fair few slices of pizza.

After dinner I go back onto my laptop and check out the new video, the comments are blowing up, so I plan to do a Q&A in a few days for my next video. Most of the comments are so friendly and make me feel happy, the other comments of which I wish not to repeat I ignore, every YouTuber receives hate, you just have to move past it. 'Where are you in England?' 'Will you do a meet up soon?' 'Canada will miss you!'  More and more of the same comments if they appear as questions then I guess I'll have to arrange something soon before I go to uni or during the next break possibly.

I shut my laptop down for the night and settle down into my newly assembled bed and remove all of my makeup, change into the first pair of pyjamas I could find and got into bed and watched a few YouTubers on my phone. I slowly fell asleep watching a danisnotonfire video, then drifted off into a deep sleep.

Ems dream:

Em slowly walked out of her house and into her car, she placed her bag and folder in the boot of the car, she was quickly followed into the car by him. She began to blush slightly as he smiled and got into the passengers seat next to her. "So this is it then?" He asked, his accent so clear and indulgent, she felt her eyes couldn't leave his, her blush turned a rosier shade of pink and he let out a soft chuckle. "Okay you set up the camera for me and we'll swap." Em said, he set up her camera for her as she got out and sat in the passengers seat and he began to drive. She checked her makeup and her blonde and purple dip dyed hair as he poutes into the mirror causing her to roll her eyes. "Hello my names Em and theres something I want to announce to you." Em said, she let out a sigh and shook her hands anxiously, she placed her hands on her lap and he grabbed one of them and rubbed it, she looked over to him and he gave her a wink. "So guys you may know Flynn-" He quickly interrupted, "hello  guys!" He pulled a face and waved at the camera. "So anyway many know Flynn for being my uni friend, well my only uni friend and recently moved in with me, but there's something we haven't told you..." Em looked to Flynn as he stopped driving at the traffic lights, he glanced over to Em, admiring her beauty and grace, she admiring his personality and his genunity he has to offer. "Me and Flynn are well dating."

End of dream

I woke up with a shock, it was him, the Scots men from the airport, was his name really Flynn? Why was he in my dream, I remember from years ago I had a dream about me attending university, I appeared how I do now, do my dreams have accuracy in them or are they all just a figure of my imagination or desires?

Hi guys so I hope you liked the last few chapters, I know I may be sloe updating and that's how it will be unfortunately for a while, but if you did like the chapter don't forget to vote and comment, happy reading :)

Moving Back: Sequel to Lived Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now