chapter nine

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It's when he's laying in bed, half an hour past eleven, that he finally manages to respond to Cody's message.

I hope they all recovered.

Del groans at his inability to produce something better, but he's already pressed send and he doubts he could improve any with the way his mind is all jumbled up. The past two days have been a bit too disorienting for Del to maintain his stoicism, and it's seeming like it's only going to get worse from here.

Just as he thinks it, his phone begins vibrating in his hand, lit up with an incoming call. Del fumbles to answer, even though he very suddenly wants to no longer exist so that he doesn't have to talk to Cody even if it's through a phone call.

It's a self-preservation tactic.

"Um, hello?" He answers, ever the smooth talker.

"Hey, Del," Cody's voice is smaller on the other line, less like the loud tone he'd heard at the party and more personal. The way it sounds forming Del's name shouldn't affect him as much as it does. "Sorry, I just don't really like texting?"

Del blinks. He's not at all aware of what he should do in this situation. "Really?"

"Yeah, I like hearing people talk. It's just a me thing, I don't know."

I'd like to know more of your things. Del clears his throat and throws a leg out from under the covers. While the air outside has the cool accompanied with a night in the upcoming summer, the embarrassed flush encompassing him isn't as refreshing. "Oh,'s fine."

"Yeah? I haven't weirded you out yet?"

He shrugs, then remembers he can't be seen. "I have four older brothers. High tolerance."

There's rustling from the other side of the line, and Del does not picture Cody just like him, in bed. "Speaking of siblings, Marlee told me you guys met."

"Yeah," Del says, and then in an attempt to not be completely boring, adds, "Your dog tried to kill me."

That startles a laugh out of Cody. "Thor's just really affectionate. It means he likes you."

"Good to know."

"Yeah, Marlee doesn't like to walk him since she has a scar on her knee from last time," Cody's smile can be heard even through the line, "It sounds bad but it was really funny, trust me."

Del offers up a small laugh. He's staring at the dresser on the other side of the room, the loop of the handles of the drawers, trying desperately not to freak out.

"She told me you guys might need a ride tomorrow?"

Oh God. Del thinks about cornering Monty at the top of the stairs, his sad eyes when he told him no, that him and Kenny are taking the car to a party a college friend was having a town over. That he could have it the day after if he wanted, which didn't help.

"Uh yeah, my brothers are taking the car so we probably will need one. But you don't have to. I could walk, it's not really that far."

"It's supposed to rain tomorrow."

"I have a coat—"

"Del, seriously, I don't mind giving you guys a ride. Marlee's, like, my best friend. Don't tell Robin I said that. Or Preston. Or Marlee, actually."

The smile is unavoidable, brought on by the words and the sudden warmth that's settled in his chest as opposed to his ears and face. "I won't." he murmurs .

"Cool. So, I don't have to stay with you guys, but my mom kinda lost her mind when Marlee told her that she invited a guy almost two years older than her out," Cody sounds a bit annoyed as he speaks about his mom, even though Del considers it to be a legitimate worry. "It's not the first time because Marlee likes everyone, and it's not like I don't trust you or anything, know."

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