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Kate Williams, the name of the girl who slowly slipped into insanity after finding one picture of one woman. She was only 17.

"Dad! I'm home!" she yelled

No response.

"Hello??? Anybody home?"

No response again.

Kate worried a lot, a lot more than your average teenager. So whenever her dad wasn't home or she didn't get a message back from her friends, she didn't have a normal reaction. She would sit on the couch, twirling the mood ring she wore on her thumb and questioning where they were at. The stress would soon wear off though and she was okay, all she had to do was turn on an episode of Spongebob or Rugrats and she was fine. Something about cartoons soothed her, maybe it was the fact that no matter what, they would always be in colour, because cartoon characters can't die. I mean, the voices of the characters of said characters can, but the characters themselves can't, even if they're killed off they still stay in colour, she never understood it, but she didn't understand a lot of things. She also didn't understand where her dad could possibly be. So she sprinted upstairs, where all her family pictures were at and glanced up and down, and then let out a sigh of relief. It was still in colour.

"Thank God." She muttered to herself

Kate hated how to world could be sometimes, but at the same time, she liked how simple it could be. She hated looking at pictures of her mom though. She hated how dark they were, what she would give to see her moms green eyes again is a lot. But she can't, and that's how life is sometimes. Emotions slowly started to take over, and Kate was on the verge of crying, her eyes slowly getting more shiny. She hated crying.


She trudged into her room, the door slowly creaking and the wooden floor making her feet cold instantly, then laying on her bed, that was also cold, but not an uncomfortable cold like the floor. She glanced at the Nirvana poster on her wall, more specifically the one with Kurt on it, she cried some more, looking at the black and white picture of a man who she was positive didn't kill himself, but either way, he was still dead.

"Kate! I'm home!"
"Dad!" She yelled

Kate ran downstairs

"Where were you?" she asked
"Just working a bit longer than usual, nothing to worry about."

Kate smiled at her dad. He worked so hard to care for them and all Kate did was sit at home and stare at the tv all day. She felt bad. Why could she do more? I mean, she already dropped out of school, she could at least work at Tim Hortons or something.

"What are you thinking about Kate?"
"Nothing." She responded

Except she wasn't thinking about nothing, she was thinking about how much of a fuck up she was and how she did nothing for this family and just everything that has ever gone wrong in her life. What was wrong with her? Nobody could answer that question.

So she thought to herself and stared at her dad for a bit.

"I wanna work at Timmies."
"What?" Her dad asked, with a tone of shock and happiness.
"I. Want. To. Work. At. Timmies." She said angrily

She didn't try to get mad or angry, it just happened. She felt bad for doing it after the fact, but while it's happening she doesn't even notice. But her dad understands.

She went up to her room and thought for a moment. Did she actually want to work at Tim Hortons or was she just jealous of all her friends who had a job already? It already seemed as though Timmies was constantly hiring so she knew if she applied she would already get the job. So that's what she did. She drove herself to Timmies and applied for a job.

664 words (666 now bahaha)

Hope you enjoyed to first chapter

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