Chapter one!

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Inner voice speaking
Other none krieg people speaking

Third person pov:

"H-hey thanks you helping me." A young, shy voice began to speak, catching the violent outer psycho's attention.

"I haven't seen you before on any list of new heroes." The kid suddenly getting a starry eyed look as a grin soon came to his lip. "Are you one of those vigilantes?"

'Vigilante? I suppose so but we aren't trying to do good on the regular for such a title.' The calmer inner voice barely whispered in the psycho's head, which was still steaming from the heat of the fire from before.

"Vault hunter is conductor of the poop train!" The outer voice sadly yelled like a mad man which he was. The inner voice had mentally face palmed and wanted to sink deeper, hoping to ignore the confused, judging glares he received from the look.

The nearby hero who were definitely in earshot still, crinkled their nose as they cringed from his lunatic like shouting.

"Let's take this guy to someplace to get checked up on, as the name vault hunter just screams villain." Deadlift spoke as the others heroes with him nod in agreement and walk over to the sitting psycho.

"Uh hey, we understand you might be having a trouble with somethings after that fire thing you did. Please follow us to make sure your all good okay?" The weird tree ninja wannabe asks as the psycho tilts his head before he stood up, standing above most of them.

The heroes gulp as he stands at least a head or two above them. 'As much as they seem like weirdo, i know odd from me, well us, but I'd suggest to follow them as they seem like the 'law' around here.' Inner voice spoke as the outer voice nods his head to the heroes. As much as he'd like to do his own thing and explore this weird place, it seemed like he'd need to do more stuff without getting paid first, which sucked skagg ass.

"We'll also need that axe of yours, it could be a safety hazard to us." Deadlift spoke as he raises a hand out to take the tnt laced buzzaxe. Krieg tried to hide it behind his back and gave Deadlift a low five.

The hero face palmed with a annoyed groan before his shoulders slumped to the side. "Fine! Just follow us then!" Deadlift grunted with a agitated groan, dealing with more than enough stupid things today.

The heroes, with a sigh, began to lead the psycho with them, a nearby by news crew suddenly appearing and followed the group.

????'s pov:

"Breaking news! A group of heroes have captured a new villain who calls himself Vault hunter!" The reporter spoke with excitement in her voice. The camera zooms in close to his face/mask (picture above), he tilts his head.

"Eh pathetic, captured so easily, he isn't worth the title of Villain, maybe a stupid vigilante but that's a stretch!" I spoke before shutting off the screen, and tossing the remote away. "Fucking bandit."

*wave transition*

"So how was it, young orphan who I forgot your name?" Marcus asks as he smiles smugly.

"Why the cliffhanger? I want more!" The orphan ordered as Marcus lost his smug grin.

"Hey it takes time to come up with these you ungrateful twerp!" Marcus barked to the arm crossed, pouting orphan.

//author's section

[Hey people, sorry for the long time without writing, I haven't had any motivation to write for awhile and I got a job, but I'll try to write more for you guys.]

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