Eight years - Part. 1

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Irondad and ironstrange
Stark and strange aren't married yet and Peter doesn't know of there relationship
Peters 26 and disappeared at 18
Don't expect great quality writing sorry

Peter P.O.V
I walk into stark industries for the first time in eight years. Eight. After disappearing for so long I didn't know what to expect.

Very quickly F.R.I.D.A.Y. Chimed "Peter Stark, level 10" followed by an "welcome home Peter, Your Father has been notified of your appearance"

"Thank you fri" I say unknowingly in Russian, causing a few security guards to look at me funny.

"Peter Sir, you said that in a foreign language. May you speak English as to not confuse the staff?" She says in a sympathetic voice littered with sarcasm.

I sit there and think for a moment before whispering "oh sorry" in a hushed tone. "It's been awhile since I have." I followed up with.

Quickly one of the guards chirps up "I don't think I'm quite following? Who is this guy?" In a thick New Jersey accent.

Before one of the other members of staff could respond the elevator doors opened to a very confused Group of avengers. "Pete?" Stark says loudly with confusion.

"surprise?" I quickly say in order to help the awkwardness of the situation. "Oh my god it's really you kiddo." I quickly note that my dad is holding hands with Strange while saying that.

"It's been awhile hasn't it?" I say in a unreadable tone.

—————Tony P.O.V—————

"It's been awhile hasn't it?" I hear my kid say in a voice I can't quite read with a face that only says 'I'm sorry' but I can't tell what he's sorry for.

"Yeah" my voice cracks through the one Syllable word "yeah it has."

Clint quickly interrupts with "ok sorry to Break your moment but, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?"

Peter quickly looks at the ground below him before glancing at Bucky, then looking directly at me and saying, "гидра" I look at nat who seems shocked and then glanced at Bucky who is about to cry before asking, "kiddo I can't help if I cant understand you."

"Hydra" Peter whispers out before looking at the ground again. "We were in hydra" he says before someone has the ability to tell him to speak louder.
Part one is complete my dudes

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