Story Drafts (3/3)

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This is a Percy Jackson fanfic. I never published it because I didn't know how to end it. Also, sidenote, don't tell her, but the main character is based off of my sister- Although, she's a bit more nicer here ;p

1\ I Get A Message for Grover Underwood

"Dad!" I called, walking back into the house from the balcony, "Dad! Sun's up!"

I saw him walk out of his room in his business suit. I frowned.

"I'm so sorry, darling, but I got called into work," he explained sadly.

"But, you were supposed to ride me into Camp today..."

"I know, and I am sorry. They said that it's important that I be there," he placed a hand on my head.

"Will you be able to come by evening?"

"I don't think so, Kory."

I inhaled in disappointment; I'd been waiting for this day for years. But... it can wait another day, I guess.

"Okay. Then tomorrow. You'll take a leave tomorrow, right?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course," he kissed my forward at made for the door.

"I'll be visit Central Park," I informed.

He replied after a moment, though reluctantly, "Alright. But be careful." He opened the door, walking out, "I'll see you later, sweetheart."

"Bye, Dad." He nodded, closing the door behind him.

I walked towards the window, from where I could see my father get into his car and drive out of my sight. I got my bag from my room, I left the apartment myself, locking the door behind me.

We lived considerably close to Central Park; so the walk there was short. It was just after sunrise, but already, there were people crowded in the park. Many out for a morning jog, others here for a walk around the park alone, some with there children. I saw a few couples out on dates too, I don't have a clues to why so early in the morning, but, who am I to judge?

I walked along the green, to a specific tree in a corner. It was surrounded by other greens, so there weren't many people around here. Taking a seat against the bark of the tree, I closed my eyes and was off to dreamland.

I opened my eyes; finding myself high in the sky. Everything around me was... what's the word? Hmm... ah! Divine. That's the word used for this place. I mean, what else are you supposed to call the home of the Gods?

I'll admit, I'd never been taken here; this was the first time. Another sign from my mother letting me know that I was finally ready. I was standing on a walkway, I think. The place was almost completely destroyed. There were a few damaged stones (I assume they're stones, because, well, they look like stones) falling slowly to the Earth. Hopefully, nobody would think it weird that there were stones falling from the sky.

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