Chapter 2 - Will's POV

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Will's POV:

'Will you please calm down?' Leo whined, before adding, 'Pun intended.' I glared at him, ignoring the smug look on his face, before turning to face Percy. 'He's never been this late before dude, I'm really worried that something happened to him. What if he got stuck in the shadows forever, or what if he got lost in Germany and doesn't have enough strength to shadow travel back, or wha-,' Percy cleared his throat, a gesture for me to stop talking. I firmly pressed my lips together and looked up to see everyone staring at me. 'I- I just don't want to see him get hurt again.' Tears brimmed in my eyes as I choked on the last word. Too many times I had seen Nico sick, injured, even on the brink of death. Sure, I had managed to heal him each time and he always gained his strength back, but I didn't know if I would be able to handle seeing him so fragile ever again. I couldn't bear to lose him, or I would lose everything.

It was 2:19am, and I was lying awake in my bed, as I had been since I settled down in my cabin. The gentle snores and heaving breathing of my siblings was reassuring to the point where I could restrain myself from having a panic attack and had resorted to insomnia instead. Nico had been gone since around 3:30 in the afternoon. Of course, it wasn't unlike him to disappear into the shadows on random expeditions, in fact it was a pretty normal thing to expect from him. But usually he would be back by now, lying on the sick bed set up next to my bunk so that he could 'recover'. Really we would just stay up late talking and fall asleep next to each other. His absence was unsettling, and as much as I was concerned about Nico, I also wanted to know why he had been gone for so long. The curiosity was almost too much to handle, but I knew that staying up all night and being sleep deprived the next day when Nico might return was not a good idea. I forced my brain to chill, and eventually I fell into a light, restless sleep.

Us demigods rarely get an uneventful night of sleep. Most of the time, our sleep is riddled with, well, riddles. Nightmares and visions, it's enough to make any of us go mad. My night was no different than the usual. I found myself in a dark, old fashioned looking corridor, and in front of me were two people talking quietly. One was a boy who looked like he was around my age, with messy black curls and green eyes like Percy's. The other was an older woman dressed in long, green robes which gave of a sort of 'I'm in charge' vibe. They shared a stern look as they continued talking. I moved closer to them so I could hear them better. 'Potter you know no one can apparate or disapparate in or out of Hogwarts. It's impossible.' The boy looked at her cautiously, before answering, 'Voldemort managed it. Professor I promise you that what I saw was real! One second he was there, staring at me from the corner, the next, it was like he melted into the shadows!' My heart stopped for a second. It had to be Nico who this boy had seen. Thank gods he was alive. The professor's face hardened at the mention of 'Voldemort,' whoever that was. She stared back at him, radiating power. 'Whatever you did or didn't see Potter, it is gone now, correct?' The boy barley had time to nod before she continued. 'I'm not saying I don't believe you Harry, but there is a really high chance that you were seeing things again. If this 'boy' doesn't appear again, either he wasn't real or he's not a threat. So until we have more information, we best leave this alone.' She said this last sentence with unwavering confidence, which the boy seemed to realise. 'Yes Professor.' Their conversation started to fade out as I woke up.

My eyes blinked open and I looked around the room fuzzily. Something had woken me up, and I could see/hear that thing somewhere in the cabin. The world came swimming into focus as my brain allowed me to realise what I was hearing. 'Will. Will. Will. Will. Wiiiiilllllllll. Boo bear. Honey muffin. Baby cakes,' the voice listed these named rapidly, obviously trying to get my attention. I looked up at him groggily, his image, although slightly distorted by the rainbow mist, looking as adorable as ever. 'Nico? Where the hell are you? Where in HADES have you been? You better start talking RIGHT. NOW.' I glared at him through the Iris call. 'I don't know where I am exactly, but I just needed to let you know I'm probably going to be gone until this afternoon, so byeeee.' He made a kissy face at me and before I could scream at him about the risks he was taking the message closed. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the window. The sun hadn't even risen yet, but I got up anyway to go tell the guys about my dream.

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