First day

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I just arrived at Hogwarts, it's so magical and I can't wait to begin this new experience. As you walk into the great hall my heart starts beating so fast that I think I was going to faint! The great hall is crowded, full of people in their robes and as the welcome ceremony starts I spot a blonde guy sitting in the Slytherin table, he is staring at me. As your turn arrives and Professor Mcgonagall puts the sorting hat on your head he was still staring at me and then...SLYTHERIN!!!

I was sorted in Slytherin I was so happy and I was even more when all the Slytherin started cheering and shouting to welcome me, except for that blonde guy who, by the way, was still staring at me. When the ceremony ended we all followed our prefect and where guided to the common room and shown to our dorms. I was putting my stuff into the drawers and emptying my luggage and suddenly I heard a sound, turned around and there he was, standing there with his blonde hair, green and deep eyes looking at me. I couldn't talk I was frozen I couldn't move either. He broke the silence saying:


"y/n" you say.

"Welcome y/n, I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he said.

As I realized I was staring at him I immediately looked away. He walked towards me and said in my ear: "Here bad girls are punished" and he walks away.

As he speaks I can feel his warm breath on my skin and I had goosebumps all over me. When he was gone I started thinking of what he said and I couldn't understand!

I didn't know what was waiting for me that year.

Daddy MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now