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I am at potion class and Snape asks us to do a pepperup potion. He puts us in pairs and guess what, he put me with Draco. I am curious and scared because of what he said to me. As we start the potion he says:"Hey you are doing it wrong!" and he shows me by putting his hand on mine and doing the right movement. He is standing right behind me and I can feel his cold rings on my skin.

"Are you virgin?" he suddenly asks pressing his body against mine making me feel him. I am shocked .

"What!!! Are you kidding me! What kind of question is this!!!" I am so angry. "Get away from me you perv!" he stands back and giggles.

"What are you laughing at?" I say furiously.

"Nothing, I'm sorry" he tries to stop giggling but he can't. I am so angry that I hope the hour finishes quickly.

After potion class I go directly to eat as fast as possible hoping not to meet Draco in the hallways. I was just taking mi first bite when I feel to hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who" he says and by the cold rings I immediately know who.

"Draco" I say and he takes away his hands. I am still angry at him.

He grabs my burger from my hands, takes a bite and puts it in my hands again. Why is he so rude to me? I am staring at him again, oh my god what is wrong with me! Why am I staring? He's acting like nothing happened in potion class but I don't want to ask.

After lunch I go back to my dorm to do my homework for tomorrow. I hear someone knocking at the door so I go and...him again.

"What do you want?" I ask looking him in the eyes.

"I think you dropped this" he says showing me a beautiful necklace.

"No, it's not mine"

"Well now it's yours, here let me put it on" as he says that he turns me around, moves my hair to one side and putting on the necklace. I can feel his hands on my neck and goosebumps came on it.

"Done" he says.

When I turn around to thank me he is so close to my face that I can feel his breath. We stay like this for some seconds and then...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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