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( Neil Happy To see Avni Again )

( On the way )

Neil: I'm nervous shivaay?

Shivaay: Why Nervous Neil?

Neil: It's a big project? My presentation should impress the client? Avantika mom trust me more? I wish I could not break her trust?

Shivaay: Neil relax... You can do anything? It's just a project presentation? We all trust you more? I'm telling you they will like your presentation...

Neil: I hope so shivaay...

( They both reach Khurana industries... )

( Shivaay park the car on the side )

( Neil and shivaay step inside the office )

Avantika: Neil all the clients are waiting? Neil, I know you can do this?

Shivaay: Neil look mom also believe you can do it? So chill and don't get panic?

Neil: Okay...

Shivaay: Okay guys I'm leaving?

(Neil and Avantika enter the meeting room... )

Neil: Good morning?

Clients: Good Morning...

( Neil start explained about his project plans... )

( After 1 hour of meeting... The clients expressed by his plans... They agreed to invest money on the project... )

Client 1: Neil we are impressed?

Client 2: Shall we have an agreement?

Neil: He gets happy?

Avantika: Why not?

Client 1: We will be prepared agreement and send you soon?

Clients 2: After signing agreement start the project has soon had possible? The project should not get delay? 

Neil: Okay sir?

( They left )

Avantika: Wow Neil I don't know what to say? You are outstanding? Do you think more than me? I'm really happy that you got this deal?

Neil: It's all happening because of you mom?

Avantika: Hey don't be silly? What did I do? It's your hard work you got your project?

Neil: But mom?

Avantika: We should celebrate? Before that, we should inform this good news to the family?

( Avantika took her phone and dial Neil interrupt)

Neil: Mom lets give them a surprise?

Avantika: As you wish Neil?

(Bela took her phone and dial Neil number )

( He received a call from Bela? Did he cut the call? Because he thought to give surprised? Did she call to inform about Avni? But he continues cuts her call )

Bela: Pick the call you dam it?

Avni; Bela you look tense? Is everything is fine?

Bela: Yeah, yeah... All is fine?

( Staff knock bela room )

( Avni open the door... Staff inform Avni that ishwari calls her... Avni goes with the staff... )

Neil loves avni Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant