The Sky's on Fire

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Walking down the halls of the high school waiting for the dismissal bell to ring. Our class was dismissed from class early. The teacher had a meeting in a few minutes so we all just started heading toward the front doors. Some went to the side since their houses were in the neighborhood next to the school. 

Watching the clock I count down

Dashing out the door I wanted to be home before my brothers were. If I got home first then I could get some food before we would go to take Dad to the walk in clinic. He's had this cough for a little while and it's been getting worse. Mom thinks it's just a cold, but I think she believes me when I say a cold shouldn't sound like liquid is breaking up In his chest. He most likely has bronchitis.Worst case scenario he has a mild case of pneumonia.

Finally passing the junior high I meet the crosswalk and wait for the sign to turn. Once the white man walking sign shows I cross along with a few other students. Some are juniors and older along with me. Most are just a year under us. Just wanting to get home and away from the assignments and grades that school dumps on us.

Once across the street I follow the path that runs next to a small forest. My house is right next to the forest. And since none of my siblings want to walk through the neighborhood we installed a gate in the back so we can just walk out the back and to school.

When the Forest was in view I started to jog. My backpack hit me in the back every time one of my feet landed on the ground. The trees grew larger and larger till I was right next to the running down the walkway. Their leaves rustle in the light breeze that would occasionally hit my back with the cool air of fall.

Once the gate came into view I took off in a sprint. Making it there I grabbed the key on my necklace and brought my head down a bit so I could put the key in the lock. Putting it on I twisted it to the left until I felt it come loose. Pulling my necklace out I and put my arm through the small hole in the fence to open the latch. Once the gate came loose I flung it open and dropped my bag down by the dog's house. I closed the latch and put my arm back through and lined up the lock. Once it clicked I pulled my arm back and picked up my bag and rushed inside.

Nobody was home yet. Sweat I quickly ran up the stairs and dropped my bag in my room. My room
had a window to the left right next to my bed. The window didn't have a windowsill since I used to wake up and hit my leg or stomach on it every morning when it was there. My closet was small. Just big enough to hold clothes and a few other things in it. Dropping my bag down next to my night stand. Noticing the box I hid under my bed was showing I pushed it slightly deeper. I refused to let anyone see it. Even my brothers.

Once I was back in the kitchen I went to the pantry and grabbed some caramel. Opening it up placing the container on the counter. I reached into the fruit bowl and pulled out an apple cutting it to slices then dipping it into the caramel.
When I finished I threw the core of the apple and the now empty plastic container in the trash. Washing my hands to get the sticky feeling off.

I took the puppy out of her kennel and let her go outside. She was a black wolf dog. She had some white fur on her chest and blue eyes. The other two dogs would have to wait till my brothers got back home since they were theirs. One was a pity mix and the other was a German mix. My dog Sasha was the only mixed breed.

"Back yard." I say.

She jumps up and runs to the back door. I follow right behind her and swing the door open letting the cool air hit us. She darts outside going to find a spot to do her business.While she's doing that I go find a seat and wait for everyone else to get home.

Sitting there I get a weird feeling in my gut. I decide to ignore it and take Sasha inside.


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