And You Miss Him?

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(Art by @/Gomiidd)

Tommy walked out of Pogtopia, carrying the last bits of his items from the ravine to New L'Manburg. He hummed as he walked, trudging along his cobblestone railway, before he noticed something yellow moving toward the railway. He stopped, raised an eyebrow and took out his sword.

"Who's there!" Tommy yelled, looking down before he gasped, nearly dropping his sword. He was looking into the dead eyes of his older brother, as the man was now floating above ground, wearing his old yellow sweater, maroon beanie and black sweats, alone with his white sneakers. His skin was sickly grey, yet it looked healthier than when Wilbur had pale, nearly white skin during their time in Pogtopia.

"Tommy! Tommy hi!" Wilbur said, waving as Tommy jumped down and placed water underneath him. "W-Wilbur! What are you doing out here!" Wilbur looked around, before frowning. "I...I don't know, Tommy... I just appeared back at spawn. All I remember is..." Wilbur said, before he nearly fell, Tommy catching the man in his arms. "O-ok I don't think you are in any condition to start remembering things. Come on, I'll bring you to L'Manburg." Wilbur nodded, as Tommy threw a Pearl toward the nearly finished town.

They both appeared near L'Manburg, right in front of Dream. "Woah! What- Is that Wilbur?" Dream asked, as he immediately helped Tommy carry the man. "I-I don't know how, he just said he appeared in spawn, floated- yes, floated- over and I found him, before he tried to remember what happened and blacked out." Tommy said, before Tommy pointed to his house.

"Let's put him in my house, and then can you call for Tubbo and Niki for me?" Tommy asked, as he took out some potions while Dream placed the man on his bed. "Sure, but once he wakes up you have to tell me. I need to know in case Schlatt comes back too." Dream said, before he disappeared. Tommy sighed, before popping open the potion, and slowly bringing to Wil-Ghostbur's? lips, slowly massaging his throat so he drank the potion down.

As Tommy waited for his friends, he pondered the reason as to why Wilbur, his dead older brother, whose grave is right underneath L'Mantree, is currently on his bed. "T-Tommy? W-where am I?" He heard a soft groan, turning towards the now awake ghost. "Oh, you're in... New L'Manburg, Wilbur. Um... I think you passed out, so I brought you over and gave you a regen potion, which I guess healed whatever injuries you had." Tommy said, bouncing on his ankles. Wilbur groaned softly, sitting upright as Tommy hurriedly walked over to his side. "Hey, hey, calm down." Tommy said, patting Wilbur's back softly.

"D-Don't call me Wilbur... I-I'm not... him." W-Ghostbur said, making Tommy sigh. "Ok. Does Ghostbur sound good?" Tommy asked, making the ghost look at him with a smile. "Yeah, I like that." Tommy grinned, before he handed Ghostbur another potion of healing. "Drink, you look weak." Tommy said, before they both jump as the door was basically torn down. Philza, Techno, Tubbo and Niki was upstairs in a second, staring in shock at the ghost, as Tommy groan.

"Ghostbur, you talk to them, if you feel faint you can ask one of them to grab a healing potion for you, I'm going to fix my door and check the forest in case Schlatt decides to come back as well." Tommy said, before pausing as he stood in the doorway. "Oh, and please don't crowd him, he just woke up, so refrain from asking too many questions. I just discovered my brother is still here and I'm ready to lose him a fourth time." Tommy said, before he replaced the door and left.

Tommy walked through the woods, breathing in deeply. He then sat underneath one of the trees, staring at the sky. Suddenly, tears formed, making him hiccup and sob, hugging his knees to his chest tightly. "He's back. He's back and sick. He... he's a ghost! A ghost!" Tommy yelled out, as his body shook. "HES A GHOST!" He yelled, punching the ground angrily, before letting out a sigh.

"He's a ghost..." Tommy mumbled, relaxing completely against the trunk of the spruce tree. He sighed, before getting up and dusted off the dirt stuck on his ass and walked back to L'Manburg, picking a few berries from the sweet berry bushes he stumble upon on his way home for Ghostbur.

When he reached home, everyone was gone and Ghostbur was asleep. Tommy smiled softly, before he kept the berries in a chest and took out one of the extra beds he had from an ancient debris hunt with Techno a few days ago.

As he laid on the bed, lights out and the whole server quiet, he heard a soft mumble from his brother,

"Do you miss him?" Ghostbur's voice was soft, guilty even. Tommy hummed, turning his head to see his brother looking at him with a small frown. Tommy hummed, before smiling slightly. "I do, everyday since I lost Alivebur. But I'll be fine." Tommy said, as tears slipped from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Ghosbur said, making Tommy sigh shakily.

Next chapter coming out soon. :)

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