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25th December, 2021

I opened my eyes and New York City sunlight came streaming in as my partner, Kyle, opened the curtains. He turned to face me, then smirked, realizing I was awake. He came and laid back in bed next to me.
"Hey little one... it's Christmas!" he said gently, followed by a kiss on my head. I smiled at him and put his brown side fringe behind his ear, before returning the kiss. He pulled the covers over his muscular body, when our dog Lennox jumped onto the bed and gave a happy bark. She turned and curled up to where Kyle was, and seemed to fall back asleep. I rolled into Kyle's lap and he hugged me, his warm breath in my hair. He did this every morning whilst I woke up, and 4 years on it never got old.
"You wanna go downstairs and see if Santa came?" He whispered into my ear
"You bet" I giggled.
We climbed out of bed and then ran downstairs hand in hand, like little children on this special day. Lennox ran behind us, though she has no idea what Christmas is, her energy did match the mood of Christmas Morning. 
We crashed onto the sofa, and started with presents we got for Lennox. She chased her tail in excitement as I shuck presents in her face. She helped tear them apart and then gave all her new toys a brief sniff before leaping into Kyle's lap for a snuggle. He was next to open up his gifts, he loved his photo album of our recent holiday to London, and his new electric guitar in bright blue. Next was his new Back To The Future t-shirt, his most recently landed role on Broadway, from the cast of BTTF on Broadway. He immediately put it on and posted a picture into their group chat. Finally, a huge box from Ashley Park, Taylor Louderman and Kate Rockwell sat on the armchair, addressed to both of us. We opened it up and it was a HUUUUUUUUGE chocolate hamper, and then a picture in a mean girls themed frame of a selfie of all 5 of us from the mean girls opening night party. My eyes filled with tears at this, I missed that cast and that show so freaking much, despite it being almost 2 years since my last show, and about a year and a half since Kyle decided he wasn't gonna return to the role of Aaron Samuels after Coronavirus. Kyle must have noticed because he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and felt my stomach, where, oblivious to him, a tiny human was growing.
"Anyways, your turn baby! You sure you're okay?" Kyle asked, wiping my eyes
"I couldn't be better, I'm so excited for today! It's been the best so far" I stroked his hand and then went over to my pile. I saw 5 presents, 2 of which looked like shoe boxes, then a flat and squishy one, a slim but also kinda big box and then a tiny box, probably containing a piece of jewelry like a ring or earrings, I had been really wanting some bumble bee earrings I saw at Pandora the other day, but that was literally yesterday so I don't know.
I started with the squishy parcel, wrapped in red and silver paper. I pulled the paper apart and a hoodie with "Flying Over Sunset" logo printed on it in the limited edition rose color.  They had sold our almost right away, not even the cast got their hands on one! I immediately put it on over my Christmas pajamas that matched with Kyle, and hugged him with thanks. I unwrapped my other gifts which were 2 pairs of heels I really liked, from my friend Danielle and the other from Kyle's mom, then a new iPad Pro from my sisters which was very sweet. I messaged them thanks and then liked towards the tiny box that was on the couch. I saw Kyle bite his lip out the corner of my eye as I picked up the box. I took of the wrapping paper and a box read "Richard Peterson's" which was a very fancy jewelry shop in London that I loved when we went there. Before I could open it, Kyle touched the box, and took it from me. He then took my hand and stood me up. I stared at him in confusion, and then he knelt down on one knee, taking a deep breath. I gasped and my hands covered my mouth, he opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring shone out. I burst into tears straight away, knowing he was proposing.
"Erika... you are..." Kyle paused, choking on his words "you are the most glorious thing on this earth, and... the most fun, and amazingly precious person in my life..." he paused again, I giggled and knelt down to see if he was okay. Tears were rolling down his face, he looked back up at me and I stood up again to let him finish "I don't know what I'd do without you... and I'm the luckiest fucking man to be able to do this right now. So, Erika Leigh Henningsen, will you marry me?" I let out a loud cry and choked "yes!" Kyle stood up and put the ring on my finger, and then kissed me and held me so tight. We both sobbed into each other shoulders. It then hit me it was time for my surprise for Kyle.
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"I have one last little present for you" I took his hand and went into our bedroom. I went into my bedside table drawer and pulled out my positive pregnancy test. I held it behind my back and sat next to him on the bed.
"Okay, close your eyes and hold your hands out" he did as I said.
I held my breath as I placed the test into his hand, and then kissing his cheek.
"Okay... open your eyes"
He opened them and stared at the stick for a moment. He then looked at me grinning with excitement, his eyes bursting with joy.
"I'm pregnant, darling, we are going to have our own little baby!"
He gasped like I did and then grabbed me by the waist and gave me another huge cuddle, both of us crying and laughing.
"Erika, this is the best Christmas ever... I love you so much" he said
"I love you too" I smiled.


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