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This only happened one other time, the time they fought.


Now it was science, I walked out the classroom as quickly as possible to avoid any conflict until I was slammed into a locker. The air was knocked out of my lungs and my books fell to the floor. Bystanders just stood there and watched as my attacker laughed.

          "Aw, what's wrong? Gonna go cry to your parents you spoiled brat?!" he remarked in a taunting voice. His familiar red hair stood up straight as his eyes were ablaze, this was none other than Liam Dolion, the school liar and bully. A mid-tier that gets away with everything below him since he can trick the teachers into believing him. That was the only thing that kept him here. He then pulled on my short navy hair lifting me off the ground just slightly and spat in my ear just loud enough so only I could hear "You don't deserve to be here you shoddy brat." and proceeded to punch my gut before dropping me roughly on the floor. As I coughed vigorously the bell rang indicating the third quarter had started. Great, now I'm late.


          A few hours had passed since the morning incident, they had cancelled all after school activities since the science team had blown up half the classrooms. As I walked home alone, I stuffed my hands into the pockets of the black blazer. A few whispers were just in earshot as I passed some classmates that lived in the neighborhood. The usual insults were heard, many people think I depend on my loaded parents since I am defective. As much I don't want to admit it, they're right. The only reason I am still here is because of them, their overfilled bank account and my "be perfect" act whenever an adult is around. If you're imperfect you would normally be exiled from this "utopia" as the adults call it.


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