29 5 2

I was so greatly tagged by AgnethaCherBrosnan

1: Straight but I'm not afraid to say a girl is cute.

2: Female

3: I'm actually pretty good. I'm kinda in the
middle but good for the most part.

4: Feeling Good by Michael Buble slowed. It's a banger! Makes you feel like a badass!

5: Dark Brown often mistaken as black.

6: Sagittarius but I don't really act like one!

7: If you don't count my mom's cheek... then no one. I haven't had my first kiss anyway so..

8: Light Yellow.

9: Pretty much anything chicken.

10: 43%

11: Corn

12: Too many to choose from!! But if I had to... Tom Holland

13: Dark Brown

14: 9 1/2 or 10. Depending on the shoe.

15: A nurse practitioner

16: *Sorry for unwanted tags or people who have already done this!!
--agmcdaniels- , -0PHELIASTYLES ,-kinkystyles ,-CLEOPATRAS ,-ADDISWHORE ,-CRVSHCULTURE , -candyweasley , -FREDSFUCKTOY , -FR0ZENLAKE- ,annie_leblqnc , -0PHELIA , -HMUCYR , HMUOBRIEN ,-CRUSHSCULTURES , -CANDYCANES- , -astroworldzz , -fantasyland ,Mikaelson_Potter_Fan ,-BOTTOMBITCH , -VINNIESBITCH ,-DEVILSWHORE ,ameliesprettybaby

Hope you all liked this! Let me know if you want to know more!

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