The New Kid

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Caleb was a perfectly normal student at Redmond Highschool thank you very much. He was quiet, always trying to blend in with the constantly shifting crowd. He looked pretty normal. Blonde hair, green eyes, he dressed like a suburban kid. He never seemed to cause any trouble. He just liked his quiet and his books. Well. At least until the new kid showed. 

He was tall, very tall. That was the most noticeable thing about him. The next was his incredibly sharp jaw. He could likely cut stone with it. His name was Lucas. And everyone was pretty convinced that he was perfect. He was a total player and a flirt, every girl was fawning over him, with his broad shoulders and his dark air of mystery. He  was the new kid after all. Caleb just never thought he would run into him. Quite literally actually. 

He was just going to his Latin class. Textbooks under his arm when suddenly he hit a strong chest. Woah. Okay. His eyes flicked up and met a pair of gorgeous brown ones. Those eyes looked like they had been forged in the fires of hell. They weren't simply brown they had flecks of gold and amber and they were absolutely gorgeous. Hell they looked like the embers of a fire. Caleb didn't realize that he was staring until he heard the harsh rumble of Lucas clearing his throat. 

"Watch where you're going kid." Jesus. How was his voice that deep? He was a senior for fucks sake! It sounded like the rumble of an oncoming storm. And god was this guy beautiful. In a catlike type way. And he smelled like coffee, and old books. And cinamon... and something that Caleb just couldn't describe.

"S-Sorry." Caleb stammered. lookign away and fixing his hoodie as Lucas rolled his perfect eyes and shoved past. Grumbling something about Juniors as he strode down the hall. Caleb suddenly realized why every girl was obsessing over Lucas. He was just. Plain hot. Even the straight-as-a-pole Caleb was baffeled by how attractive this guy was.

Cleb had to shake his head and keep walking. Turning his mind back to Latin class. He was straight. Yeah he could agree that this guy was attractive. But he wasn't attracted to him. 



Wow. Why the first devil give humans free will? Yes, first. He wasn't the first. Oh, right yeah. Lucas is short for Lucifer. Surprise. Lucifer went to highschool. Why? Because he was only Lucifer cause of his goddamn bloodline. Therew as this whole complex thing where the devil was like the president. Never the same person for long. Except. Well. The terms lasted until the chairholder died. Woo. So, Lucas wasn't the devil yet. But he would be as soon as the current guy got offed.

Anyways. back to the first fucker who gave these little shits the will to knock into people. Juniors were stupid anyways. That was the only thing on Lucifers mind as he headed to gym. Wow humans were stupid. They were all going to die eventually, why bother with physical fitness? Wow. Humans were so strange. 

"Luke! Hey!" Oh god. It was another one of those girls who wanted to get into his pants. Fun fact. Screwing the devil that was next in line would get you a one-way ticket to hell. Yay. 

"Hey Sarah." Lucas said with a charming smile. He was a flirt, and he wouldn't object to getting laid. He actually did that a lot. How cliche. The devil loved to sin. 

"So. Luke. Since you're new here, some friends of mine wanted to ask you to come hang out with us." She said as she messed with her long golden locks. He wouldn't mind getting this chick on her knees. She was hot. But dull as a brick. And rumor had it that she didn't have a gag reflex. Ohh, Lucifer has a dirty mind. Big surprise.

"Sounds nice. When?" He asked lazily. He knew this girl. It would be all horny cheerleaders. Woo. That sounded fun.

"Tonight after school actually." She said as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. 

"Alright. I hope you don't mind if I bring my motorcycle." He hummed as he stuck his hands in the pocket of his black hoodie. 

"No, of course not." She giggled. "So, we're doing ballroom dancing right?" She asked as she fixed her shirt.

"Yeah. I don't see why. I was hoping we would play soccer or something." He shrugged as he pushed a hand through his messy brown hair. Making it stick up even more. Sarah bit her lip and giggled a little as her large blue eyes followed the movement of Lukes arm.

"Well, I was wondering if you would want to be my dance partner?" She asked. Her voice sugary sweet and flirty.

"Sure. That sounds cool." Lucas nodded as they walked into the gym. The gym teacher was pairing up the reluctant people. Lucas and Sarah stood off to the side until the class started. And Luke had to lead. He knew how to dance. It was an imortal thing. He led her easily through the steps as they talked. He had stripped his hoodie off so he was left in a white tank top. It was obvious that he was ripped. Even with a shirt on. His arms were tanned and toned. With a few tattoos scattered over his skin. By the end of the class, Sarah was giggling over him again as she traced his tattoos with light fingers and perfectly clipped and painted nails. 

"See you at the party then? It's on Willow Drive." She said with a little smile.

"Yeah. See ya then." He nodded before he headed to his next class. French. Great. Cause the devil needs to know how to order milk at a resturaunt. That's totally relevant. He headed to class and took a seat in the back. Kicking his feet up on the table as he crossed his leather-clad arms over his chest. 

He soldiered on through the rest of the day before heading back to his appartment and taking a shower. He styled his hair and pulled on some good clothes. Great now he looked like an Ambrecombe model. Well. That wasn't a bad thing. But it was a bit annoying. He grabbed the keys to his bike and pulled on his black leather trench coat. Before he headed out to Willow Drive. That was the nice part of town. 

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