Chapter III

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It was Saturday afternoon and the house was filled with a chaotic tension that it never has experienced before. Mia was running, sprinting and galloping through the hallways and climbing the stairs like an experienced Sherpa climbs the Mount Everest, only to descend it like an Icelandic glacier just because she had forgotten something downstairs which had no common use after all. Mia’s room was filled with small particles of ivory-bisque powder floating through the air with the various sprays for hair and body. All her clothes, from dresses to plain shirts, were lying on every possible surface like a chair or a desk as her wardrobe no longer served as the carrier of her broad selection of trousers and panties. The many colors of shoes flew with an arch through the room as she tried on one pair and decided to select another combination because they looked better with the dress of her choice. The girl was in absolute panic even though she had more than enough time to prepare herself for the handsome young man who would pick her up later that evening. Steve was also in an infinite state of stress and urgency as he tried to keep up with his overly excited daughter.

‘’Mia!’’ Steve called as he knocked on her door.

‘’Come in!’’

Steve walked in to her room with a rush.

‘’How many ti—‘’ he tried to yell, but the powder got stuck in his throat and he coughed several times before he retained his voice.

‘’Dear god!—what has happened here?’’

‘’Oh nothing dad, just preparing for tonight’’

‘’You’re going out with James huh?’’

‘’Sure am, I’m a bit thrilled as you can see’’

‘’Thrilled?—I think hysterical is a better word for what you’re doing here’’

‘’Alright dad, take this bottle of perfume and spray it towards me as I come walking to you, okay?’’

Mia gave him a bottle of Bois des Iles from the Chanel house in Paris and started to walk in Steve’s direction as her father started to spray the scent of bergamot, jasmine and vetiver.

‘’My eyes!’’ Mia yelled, ‘’why did you spray in my face?’’

‘’You were nearing so quickly, I got scared!’’

The girl stepped to her mirror.

‘’Now look at me’’ Mia carefully tried to dry her eyes which were filled with tears caused by the perfume, ‘’my makeup is running like a waterfall of charcoal’’

‘’Can you fix it?’’

‘’Suppose I’d have to start all over again’’

Mia plumped on her bed with a sigh as her dress blew up by the pressure of air underneath her.

‘’What time is he coming?’’ Steve asked.


‘’Well what are you so worried about?—It’s only half past seven!’’

‘’It is?’’

‘’Not a minute later!’’

‘’Oh no!’’ Mia started to snivel, ‘’I’ll never get ready on time’’

The whole process had to be repeated. Mia turned the faucets of her bathtub and a mixture of hot and cold smoothly ran into each other and formed a tub filled with tepid water that smelled like roses and spearmint. The foam started to appear on the surface as it rippled by the gentle touch of Mia’s toe which was measuring the condition of the aqua. The mirrors that were hanging on the walls of flower-printed plaster got condensed by the excessive damp in the room. Soon it would be like a Finnish sauna if it wasn’t for the missing of spruce branches and a protective elf standing by the sizzling stones. Mia felt tired because of the lavish efforts that she had done for her first attempt on becoming a princess’s physique; and sooner or later she fell asleep in the sea of foaming icebergs and bright yellow rubber ducks accompanied by the sweet melodies of The Chordettes singing Mr. Sandman out of Steve’s record player.

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