Post Hawkmoth takedown

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"Sometimes I wish i could just tell them. Yell in their faces and reveal my identity." Chat Noir said.

"If you do, you better tell me. I would love to be there. Just seeing the expressions on their faces would be priceless!" Ladybug replied.

It was not long after the defeat of Hawkmoth and Mayura. The two superheroes had revealed their identities a long time ago. Marinette grew more comfortable around Adrien and they got along much better. Adrien had lessened his attempts to get with Ladybug, though of couse playful flirting was still part of their routine.
A while back, Chat Noir and Marinette had decided to give dating a try, and were the light of each others lives for a while. Chat had eventually decided to reveal and Marinette did too. Sometime after that, Adrien had stumbled upon Nooroo when he returned early from a date with Marinette. It was one of the rare times his Father had allowed him to go out with his friends (not knowing it was a date of course) but, their time had been interrupted by an akuma on the other side of town. After the battle, Adrien and Marinette decided to postpone to a later date and he returned home unhappy. Adrien could still remember how shocked and betrayed he had felt that day when he figured out who Hawkmoth really was, and decided not to dwell on it too much. After Gabriel was arrested, many came after Adrien, saying he must have been a part of it too. Adrien was under even more scrutiny from the media and constant police searches than before, as Chat Noir. Right now however, he was sitting on a roof with his Lady and he was enjoying some time away from other humans.

"How's the job search going, Bugaboo?" Adrien asked.

"Still hard. After my record of random absences, many companies are not willing to give me a chance yet." Adrien winced. It was his own father's fault that Marinette couldn't find a job. All those akuma attacks had caused her to flee her work to fight, and she couldn't exactly explain why she had to go."

"Well Purr-incess, at least it's o-fur meow! Keep paw-stive!"

"I know, Kitty. And have you been planning that? Four puns in one sentence?"

"Nope! I'm just naturally amazing. How are the commissions going?"

Marinette visibly brightened at the change in topic and she launched into a world of her own as she started describing her latest ideas for a new outfit Jagged asked her to make for Penny's birthday.

"And then, I was thinking I could do a- wait a second. Chat, what's wrong?"

"Nothing M'lady." She gave him a knowing look that seemed to say 'seriously? You think I didn't notice?' The two stared at each other, arguing with their eyes, and Chat Noir lost. "Well I- have I let everyone down?" Adrien asked, defeated.

"Of course not Adrien, your father's actions are not your fault. You are the one that helped bring him down. You've been saving the city from his akumas. You've held strong even when everyone thinks you are guilty. You saved everyone, Chat. You have definitely not let anyone down!"

Marinette waited a second for it to sink in before continuing, "I think little someone caught us" she replied, pointing at the ground.

Chat looked down, and sure enough there was Alya. He was a little surprised to see her right now. She was obviously contemplating whether she should take her phone out, or leave the two superheroes in peace. Perhaps he had failed to help his father see sense, but right now he could help explain thing to Alya. Despite desperate attempts, no one had gotten an interview from either of them since his father was jailed. Tonight, the superheroes had planned a convention of sorts where there would be a ton of reporters and they would try to answer as many questions as possible, explaining nearly everything. However, Alya had been the first one to film them. She had created the most popular site about the two superheroes. Most importantly, she had supported them throughout the whole thing, no matter what. She was also their for them in their civilian forms, without knowing they were Ladybug and Chat Noir, of course. It seemed right to let her ask a couple questions before everyone else. Looking to Marinette, he could tell she had reached a similar conclusion. In sync, they got off the roof and dropped down to Alya.

"You can stream this. We'll try our best to answer some questions." Ladybug said thoughtfully.

Alya had the stream set up in seconds, and the number of people watching was steadily growing. It seemed as if all of Paris was tuned in to see what the superheroes had to say.

"Is it true that tonight at 5, you will answer everyone's questions?" Alya asked.

"Well, not every question. We still don't want to reveal our identities or the identities of the other superheroes. But yes, we will try to answer every question we can."


It was 5:45 and Marinette was getting tired. Seriously. How many times did she have to explain the whole Hawkmoth thing?! Chat Noir was also getting agitated, and by the looks of it Alya was too. At least she understood everything. I mean sure, it might be easier since she was actually there at the time as Rena Rouge but still, surely it wasn't that confusing. Anyway, Marinette was not at all prepared for the question that came next.

"So, will you be working to put Adrien in jail?" some reporter asked. No. No no no no no! Not that! Marinette spun to see her partners face as she felt anger bubbling up inside her. Maybe it was for the best that she didn't see who asked the question.

"No! As we have explained many times tonight, Adrien Agreste helped us defeat Hawkmoth. As soon as he figured it out he told us. He was key in taking down the supervillains." Ladybug replied.

"But, how do you know he wasn't working against you and decided to reveal when he got tired of it?"

"I know he wasn't. He has also helped us multiple times before, so it wasn't like he working with Hawkmoth at the beginning. He is not a supervillain and should not take the blame for the actions of his father." Ladybug replied, and Chat knew part of her answer was to remind him that it wasn't his fault.

"What about you Chat Noir? Do you agree?"

"Y-yes I agree with M'ladybug."

"Will you be continuing to help out around Paris? Like with robberies and things? Crime has decreased ever since you two have started helping out." Alya asked, trying to change the topic.

"We aren't sure yet. That is something we will have to discuss with the police force. I think that's all for tonight."

"Wait- one more thing!" The mayor blurted, forcing Chat and Ladybug to turn around for one final question. "Can you bring the other superheroes to the celebration to celebrate Hawkmoth's defeat?"

"I'll ask them if they're free, but thank you for the invitation either way." Ladybug replied, swinging away.

"You should probably head back," Chat Noir said, once out of earshot of the press. "Alya will surely run straight to your house to talk."

"True." Marinette replied softly. She had to be there when Alya got back. But first now, Chat Noir needed some comfort. The last questions had obviously distressed him. Maybe a hug and a croissant or two could help a little. Alya could wait.

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