chapter 1

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"you fooking idiot sandwich!" Gordon screamed at my coworker Christian Walker. "You can never do anything right you nasty nasty liberal."

"I know you're not talking with your hair looking like a kitchen nightmare .🙄" Christian stated while rolling his eyes. #bringbackmanlymen

"Get out of my fooking kitchen!" Gordon screamed at the top of his lungs.

Christian went on to completely destroy the economy with his plastic straws

"Who the FOOK is next?" Gordon asked with his authoritative voice. Everyone looked down at the food they were making and continued working. Gordon then left the kitchen still looking pissed the hell off.

"bro what was that?" My other coworker Bryce Hall asked me.

"Gordon just being his normal self." I stated.

"Hey are you free after work? I wanna see how fast we can spread COVID!" Bryce said to me with an excited look on his face.

"Look Bryce, you and your frat house friends can do whatever the hell you want. Just know I will not be participating."

Ever since the beginning of 2020 Bryce has been obsessed with COVID-19. He once told that his main goal was to "spread COVID like peanut butter,". I find the whole thing ridiculous but it's natural selection at this point.

"Come on Katie," Bryce said to me with a pout. "You know corona virus is just a scam pulled by the government." Bryce said to me with his hot breath filling my nostrils.

"Oh my god I can smell the stupidity." I said backing away from him.

After working for another hour my shift was finally over and it was time to close up.

As Bryce and I were hanging up our aprons he stated
"So I guess I'll see you at the party. You know where I live."

"I already told you I wasn't going." I said while rolling my eyes. Bryce then called me the N-word while running out of the restaurant to his car.

"Katie would you please come in here?" Ramsay asked me just as I was about to exit.

"Yes chef." I said after coming into his office.

"I think I'm in love with you." Gordon aid with such intensity in his eyes.

"LMAOOO. okay? What am I supposed to do about that?" I said trying to hold in my laughter.

"You conniving cunt! You're fired!" He screamed at me with his face turning more red after every word.

"LOL. kay." I stated simply as I walked out of the restaurant.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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