Chapter 3

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I yelled at Jintan to go to school I think that might be my wish for jintan to go to school! I found out jintans mom died too I think she was way more pretty in person I don't like my photo in my shrine also it is my fault after all I always made peace signs at the camera so I guess they didn't have any normal photographs of me. And so I rang the bell and preyed. Jintan came home really early he said it was only the ceremony today.

Oh! And also I made what his mom used to make all the time I think there called "Steamed bread" she made them really good though. Jintan got a tiny eggshell in his steamed bread I'm pretty sure it adds calcium! Jintan got an invite to a bbq party I sooo wanna go but he wants to stay home but I won't let him! Now this might be my wish I need to come true :D were now on our way to the BBQ, we see anaru and once Jintan saw her he didn't want to go but I dragged him to keep walking. Seeing everyone together makes me so happy! Poppo and Jintan were moving the grill there so strong! Tsuruko brought candles to summon me but I'm right here? , anaru brought fireworks pow pow! , and poppo brought this kind of rice that he had while travelling to India it's calls "kheer rice" he said it was pretty sweet. Anaru made sausages into crabs, I don't understand why it's called crabs but they were burning so I told Jintan to save them! Yukiatsu finally showed up! He said he just saw me by the river...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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