Chapter One

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Rihannas POV:

Chris is packing his clothes for what seems like the third time this week. He looks back at me with his cold, heartless eyes. He comes up to me and lifts my head by my chin. I cringe.

He smiles an evil smile before grabbing his bags. I hear the door slam downstairs and I just lay down. I'm tired. Tired of everything. Melissa came by earlier but she didn't help at all.

I sighed remembering I had to go to Drakes house for a gathering. I couldn't not go, I haven't seen him in ages and I dont want to let him down. I texted Melissa saying I was getting ready and tossed my phone back on my bed.

I undressed and allowed the water to run over my scars. It burned but I didn't care. I was used to pain.

I dried off and picked out an outfit. One that would be able to cover my scars and bruises. After getting dressed, I put on enough makeup to cover the remaining blue I had under my eye. I sat and waited for Melissa.

I heard a honk outside and grabbed my phone. I smiled at Melissa but she knew. She knew I was hurting. She just didn't know to what extent.

We pulled up at Drakes house. He opened the door. Wearing a white hoodie and his hair long. He smiled smothering me in a hug. I tried not to cringe when I felt pain. I looked around the room until my eyes fell on someone.

[A/N I have nothing against Chris Brown. I love him]

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