Chapter 6

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I felt the pain of the impact seconds after the car hit the ground. It was like an earthquake rippled through me. Every bone in my body was screaming, and all I wanted to do was die. All I wanted to do was end my misery.

I could feel the heavy metal of my car, crushing my body. It felt like every bone was turned to dust. And the ache was overwhelming. People always said that death would be peaceful. That your spirit would float away from your body, and that you would go to Heaven. Apparently, death was too much mercy for me. I was clearly still in my suffering body. All I wanted was to escape the pain.

I could feel the smoke, pumping through my veins. I saw flickers of red, orange and yellow. My car must have caught fire, because all of the sudden, I could also feel the heat. My skin began to blister and sizzle. The pain soon became overwhelming.

'Why can't I just die?' I thought. Still, part of my body was still fighting to stay alive. Keep the misery and pain, but why? Connor and Charley, the words whispered in my head, like a treat dangling in front of me. Part of me wonders if that is why I survived as long as I did.

It took about a half an hour for someone to notice the car wreck, but knew the second when I was spotted. I heard a feminine voice scream at the top of her lungs. A few minutes later, I heard sirens blasting in the once peaceful quietness.

Someone called out, "I see her!". Then, I felt cool hands grab my aching body. Most of me was relieved, but part of me was angry. 'Somebody took their time,' I thought.

Words began to swarm my head. "Your okay. Just keep fighting. Your going to survive, miss. It's going to be okay. Stay strong. Your going to make it." I heard a calm voice say.

But will I?

Then, everything went black.

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