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"Brooke, wake up dear!" yelled my guardian angel, Severus Snape

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"Brooke, wake up dear!" yelled my guardian angel, Severus Snape.

I rubbed my eyes harshly as I yawned and got up from bed. I lived in a muggle city as I didn't go to Hogwarts yet, and nobody really knows me.

You see, I am a Potter and my parents, Lily and James, died from Lord Voldemort but I didn't go to my aunt and uncle, Petunia Evans and Vernon Dursley, like my brother Harry did. I was taken by Snape. The guy that liked my mom but she didn't like him back. I was told not to talk about it. Whenever I did, Snape would punish me. Like he wouldn't feed me or he wouldn't let me go outside.

Going outside was one of my favorite things to do, as I could fly with my broom. We lived in a neighborhood with not so many people so I could fly with my broom whenever I wanted.

Snape also told me that Harry is a terrible boy and that I shouldn't talk to him. He says that he just wants fame and attention. I didn't really know much about Harry, I didn't remember him at all. All I know is that he also has a scar, like me, that gave him his "fame". Snape, based on what he says, despises Harry, which also made me... hate him a-bit too.


Every summer and winter, I go to the Malfoy Manor, as Snape has to be watching the students who stay at Hogwarts during the holiday so, I go to celebrate with them. Of course, I write to Snape letters everyday.


Dear Snape,

I hope you are doing well and having fun at Hogwarts, I cant wait for you to come back home!

Enjoy your holidays!

Love, Brooke.


I wrote those types of letters everyday to Snape.

Every holiday was very fun! Me and Draco who were best friends always played quidditch with each other, we both love quidditch and want to be well known in quidditch history. I am a fast flyer and I am good at throwing balls, Draco says I would be a perfect chaser.

I blushed.

I don't have an understanding with Draco, but that made me happy, to know that my only best friend believes in my dream.

I didn't really know anyone except for Draco. Draco was of course well known for his wealth and authority of his family, the Malfoys, their wealth could last them 5 generations!

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