Chapter 6

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This was a usual Sunday but something felt odd as if someone was staring at us I tried to forget but the presence was still there. I went to my home and some presence was there and I ignored until someone held my hand tightly I turned around pushed it with pressure and it was no one I swear I felt something I felt pushing it that night I went near a lake and slept near it and when I woke up I was tied up and the person started beating me with a stick as my anger rose I was out of my senses but they had my friends. I am gonna lose control. "NO!" I screamed continuously in my head.

Claire POV
Christiana's voice turned deep and her nails turned to claws and her eyes red the chair and rope caught fire she laughed wickedly and said "You dare to challenge a freya , you will pay "she almost killed them and got to her senses.

Christiana POV
"What happened" acting like I didn't knew because I could see everything I did. I saw the scars on the people and my friends face widened looking at them. I quickly freed my friends. And all of us ran away. But No one spoke that was odd claire always spoke " this feels weird " i thought to my self and silently walked to my house. And next I went to my room and couldn't sleep the thoughts of what happened repeated in my head and I was unable to sleep time passed by and I went outside asking myself in my head " Are they scared from me? ",Hoping it wasn't true.

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