Choosing a Path

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Y/N was hiding out in the Corneria alleyway. His phone kept buzzing from Wolf's messages.

Y/N, I'm sorry, please come back

You mean the galaxy to me

I'm worried about you, please come back to me

He tried to ignore the buzzes but it wouldn't go away. Y/N kept crying nonstop. He suddenly heard footsteps and a shadow that looked like Wolf but it was actually Fox.

Fox: Y/N

Y/N: I'm not in the mood to talk right now, Fox...

Fox: Y/N, if you could just listen to me just this once-

Y/N: Piss off!

Fox kneeled down to Y/N.

Fox: Look, I know it's hard dating a criminal, but Wolf is the biggest threat to everyone. You have to accept it.

Y/N: But he cared about me...

Fox: That's what he wants you to think. It's part of his plan.

Y/N: What plan...?

Fox: He wants you to become part of Star Wolf.

YN: But he never asked me if I want to join.

Fox: Exactly. How do you think he doesn't let you go on missions? I was like that to my ex. She just couldn't handle it anymore. So, Y/N... I must ask you... Are you willing to come back to Star Fox, to save the galaxy, your friends, your family?

Y/N had a moment to think. Was he going to forget about Wolf? Is the relationship over?

Y/N: Fox, I will accept your offering. I'm coming back.

Fox: Good choice.

They got up and walked to the Arwings. Fox wrapped his arm behind Y/N's back.

Y/N: But, Wolf...

Fox: He's not your concern anymore.

Y/N started to cry again.

Y/N: But, he helped me get through things...

Fox: Perhaps you didn't hear correctly? He's doing that to seduce you to join. Just ignore what has been made done.

They got in the Arwings.

Fox: Remember the controls?

Y/N: Yeah, sure...

They flew away. Wolf heard the whole conversation and was super pissed.


His yell echoed throughout the entire city.

You Belong To Me, My Little Star (A gay Wolf O'Donnell x Reader fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin