Chapter 1

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Springpaw dashed long the thunder path chasing a rabbit. He pounced landing on the rabbit swiftly killing it. He dragged it back to camp Minnowkit bounced up to him.

"Hi! That's a tasty looking rabbit!" She mewed happily.

"It is, a bit skinny though."

"Who is it for?"

"Shadowstar said to give it to the elders."

"Drat, " She said. "I'm starving."

"Just kidding it's for the nursery."

"You tricked me!" The she-kit mewed madly. "But, come on we're starving!" she raced back to the nursery greeting her sister.

He walked up to Honeyear and Poppyflower who were chatting with each other.

He turned around to see Magmakit who bounded up to him.

"Did you see anything cool on the thunder path?"

"No not really, but I saw a huge dog."

"Woah, Thats so cool! I can't wait to become an apprentice!"

As Magmakit walked away Springpaw ran over to the medicine den.

"Mosstuft?" He mewed calling for the medicine cat.

"Just a second!" A voice meowed across the room.

"What do you need? Your not hurt are you?" The she-cat said while walking up to him.

"No, I'm looking for my sister."

"Oh, she went to the twoleg circle to collect herbs, " She said confidently but then paused. "But, she may have also gone to the bell song place (a church)."

Springpaw groaned he hated walking to the bell song place. He decided to check the twoleg circle first. He started off walking to in front of all the twolegs nests hearing a dog bark in the distance, his mother told him that Duskclan used to live in a big forest. Then twolegs came tearing it down. His clan was constantly on the move after that they never stayed in one place. When he reached the twoleg circle. He saw a tan colored she-cat digging up a plant.


The she-cat turned around. She looked confused about where the voice came from then she saw Springpaw.

"Oh, hi! Springpaw what are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you."


"Well, I wanted I talk to you."

"Oh! What do you want to talk about?"

"Do you think that we're going to stay here? Shadowstar hasn't mentioned us moving anywhere."

The she-cat paused uncertain on how to respond.

"I dunno maybe. I am getting tried of moving around. So I really wouldn't mind that."

"Well yeah but it's really dangerous here I mean all of the mentors for the apprentices are to busy to mentor us!"

"Well that's weird how do you you learn how to hunt and all that stuff?"

"We came up with a plan that we would train together we'd come up with different fighting moves and teach them to each other."

Birchpaw looked baffled. "Well at least Mosstuft isn't too busy to teach me about herbs."

Springpaw was caught off guard by the plant Birchpaw was digging at.

"Hey what's that?"

"Im not entirely sure. But Mosstuft said if I find any new plants bring them too her."

"I'll help it looks like it's stuck in there."


Sorry guys this book has officially been abandoned. I lost intrastate a while ago. Sorry for any disappointment I doubt I caused.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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