Just Another X-men GEEK Writing a Story

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(Sorry for the length!  Instead of chapters, there are shorts parts, so you can go by the numbered parts.  I will make a new 'chapter' every hundred parts.)

Hi!  I just always like imaging different events and characters for X-men.  I went through a sort of fanatic stage through it, so here is the outcome.  I just want to say before anyone comments, the X-men do not belong to me!  I do not own anything except for the main character and some of the plot.  Some of the new characters are credited to other's great imaginations!  If anyone has any character suggestions, just post it!  I will always try to include as many creative ideas as I can!  Just please ask and/or credit the new characters in the story if you decide to include them in your own story.

I really hope other X-men fans like my story.  It may not be special, but it is my love for the comics.



Part 1:

I look out the frosty window to see an army of trees standing as if they were standing guard for something. Bored, I look closer and see colors scattered all around their bark. All of them have a different story even though they look the same.

Suddenly, the strange woman that is driving through the depressing weather takes me out of my trance. "I am not sure what your power is or who you are, but Professor Xavier said that you have a very secretive personality. He also said you prefer driving instead of flying. My name is Ororo, by the way. You will probably be calling me Professor Storm when you start taking my classes. What is your name?"

Her white hair glistens in the shadowy air and my strange eyes meet her soft face for the first time since I got into this car. I could instantly see loss and hurt curve in bright colors across her face. To make the sadness stop, I close my right eye (and black eye) so I would only see black and white, "My name is Dorrie."

Part 2:

"Dorrie? That's a strange name, don't you think." Ororo chuckles while staring cheerfully at the wet road.

"And 'Ororo' isn't?" I remark trying to brighten my voice, but fail. Her eyes link to mine as an out of place smile forms on her face.

"Yeah, well, that is why I chose a cool name like 'Storm.' This may be out of subject, but what color or colors are your eyes. I can't see very well through this dim light."

I sit back in the leather chair for second to think about how to answer. It does not seem long ago since when my eyes seemed normal to me, but now I know they symbolize my weirdness.

I look into the rain stained mirror on the side of the fast car and tell her the obvious answer to her common question. "My right eye is black and my left eye is white. Don't worry, I already know its weird."

Part 3:

"I don't think your eyes are weird at all. It gives you a sense of mystery. Let me guess, your power has something to do with your eyes," Her friendly grin asks more politely than I could muster.

I definitely was not about to tell her anything about my never-ending vision, but I could just tip toe around it, "My eyes do not give my 'a sense of mystery,' it just always reminds me that I will never be able to be looked at without being known as different."

Her mouth suddenly curves done a little on the edges and her voice sounds serious like a worried parent, "Being different is not a bad thing, you know. When you get to the school, you learn that from everyone."

I support my tired head on the piece of cold glass and whisper out something to end the tense conversation, "I never said being different was a bad thing. "That was a true statement, but it was also true that I wish this were not what made me different. Before Ororo could say something else, warm deep sleep washed over me.

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