Alternative Ending

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"What's this about?" I ask, getting straight to the point. As much as I love spending time with the boy, there's a time and place and this definitely is not the time. I was supposed to be back home, in my own space, regardless of whether Stules was in the country or not.

"I thought about what you said."

"And..?" I pressure for answers.

"I really do love you, you can't deny that we belong together, we are perfect."

"JJ you're acting a little crazy right now." His act was getting old real fast, I don't tend to put up with stuff I don't like and he's surely getting under my skin at the moment.

"I just love you so much that I just can't live without you." He tried you convince me but he really was just hopelessly desperate.

"Now you're being silly, I mean I don't blame you for feeling this way but you're doing too much."

"You belong by my side, as my girlfriend." His relentless talking was only agitating me more, i was becoming more and more intolerant, ready to burst at the seems. He turned away from me, throwing his hands onto his head helplessly.

"I most certainly do not, especially not with that attitude." I cross my arms, strong angry. My voice was only getting louder the more I speak.

A shine of silver caught my eye from the counter. His needy voice had driven my mind insane to the point where my actions were out of my control. I found myself diving for the handle of a knife. His front was still faced away from me, shaking his head and rubbing his face with his hands over and over, trying to think of any string of words that could convince me to become his girlfriend.

"Say yes please or I'll simply die." His words drove me past the point of insanity.

"How about no and you still die." I spoke before glancing at the knife that sat in my hand one last time and plunging it deep into his back, through to his chest.

There he lay, bleeding and ruining his fathers wood which he would definitely get a beating for if it weren't for him... well dying. It's probably going to rot and not in the nice way. It might be mad that I'm thinking about the wood beneath rather than the dying boy that was sprawled in front of me but it's for the better, there's no way of taking this back now so I may as well preserve the wood.

Looking down at the blondes body the realisation that I had just killed a boy set in and surprisingly I didn't feel much remorse. It's almost like I didn't care, does that make me a sociopath? Maybe but at least I'm a hot sociopath. Taking a breath, I walk over to the sink and begin washing the knife carefully, making sure to get all the finger prints off, one things for sure I am not going to jail for this murder.

I ended up doing the all the dishes that were lying next to the sink too, I may as well, they looked like they'd been sitting there for weeks and they were just unappealing to see really. Plus it's a least I could do for Luke considering I just offed his only son.

Once I finished I walked over to the body once more and felt for a pulse... definitely dead I concluded. I rang Stiles in the phone and told him to get his ass over here now. Without asking he told me he'd be 5 minutes, probably his first mistake because once he sees this he's taking it to his grave.

"You what!" He yelled at me outside the wooden house. I told him outright what I had done, there was no point in hiding it from him especially since he's about to help me out.

He didn't handle it all too well as he burst through that door and observed the scene. A completely spotless house and a body laying in the middle of it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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