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  • Their Paid Girl
    26.4M 390K 47

    Shawna Roberts is the girl that every guy turns to when they need a fake date, a fake girlfriend, a fake fling to make some other girl jealous, a fake couple photo to send to their parents... Shawna's pretty much seen it all. But no matter what they pay her for, everything she does has one common factor: it's all fake...

  • Mickey Who?
    78K 2.4K 6

    What if you had the power to control hundreds of people’s love life just by simply saying anything? And what if they didn’t know it was you? Would you use that power for good? At Ana Davis’ high school, there’s an anonymous person known as Mickey. Mickey helps the students of Duncan High with their everyday problems...

  • Not all Blondes do Backflips
    16.6M 338K 28

    Stereotypes. I hate them. On my first day at my new school, a girl in a blue and white cheerleader's uniform told me I 'looked like a cheerleader' and asked me to come to tryouts. I almost decked her. Blonde hair and blue eyes do not a cheerleader make. Cheerleaders can be bitchy and mean but they can also act all hap...

  • Bruises
    337K 11.8K 32

    (TH#3)“'If you can look me in the eye and tell me anybody has ever held you like this, kissed you like this, loved you like this, then I will let you go. I will leave and I will never come back.' And as much as I wanted to say that, yes, someone else had, I would be lying. Because nobody, not one person, had ever cher...

  • Caskets And Catastrophe
    436 30 8

    Selling caskets, doing corpses' makeup and assisting her mortician uncle has led nineteen-year-old Vienna Haymon into a series of not-normal but somewhat unforgettable circumstances through the years. But the most troublesome of all troublesome things happens when a wealthy, handsome young man is declared as another c...

  • Breathing Explosions
    99 12 4

    My entire existence was owned and destined. I was drugged half of my life. I am a suicide bomber. I am not free, and I should never flee. I should have been dead after the bombing. So why did I survive, and why do I have an escapee from a psychotic ward with me? There is only one particular thing I know: we are both...

  • I Spun the Bottle
    754K 14.4K 28

    "My heart skidded to a sudden halt as soon as it landed on him. He was the only person I didn’t want the bottle to land on. It seemed like everyone in the entire party turned their attention to both of us. I bit my lip in utter frustration." Carolyn Summers has always been a square, a goodie two shoes. She's never bee...

  • Project Fat Suit
    27.4M 593K 50

    Serena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when someone finds out?

  • Lessons On Love
    9.3M 137K 32

    “I’m going to get straight to the point. I want you to make me fall in love with you.” Camila Jones is fearless. She’s also uncontrollably fierce and overly ambitious which tends to be a bad combination. When she unexpectedly fails an audition due to her inability to express love, she’s forced to reconsider something...