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  • Broken Beyond Repair
    862 57 1

    After returning to the living world, he help the Lan disciple to deal with whatever it is that is controlling the Mo family. When a Lan disciple name Lan Jingyi decide to call for help the one person that came is, "Hanguang Jun" another name is "Lan Wangji" When Wei Yang see that Lan Zhan is here he decide to leave fr...

  • Let's The Vengeance Begin
    466 50 1

    A person is been chain up in a dungeon that belong to the Lan clan. He woke up when the metal door slam close in the distance. He look left and right, they chained his from wall to wall, this is the same with his leg. He remember what happen at the Guanyin temple, a group of people in black and red robes enter the te...

  • Lan Zhan, Please Come With Me?
    516 77 1

    This take place at the Qiongqi path where Wei Ying has rescued the Wen clan from the labor work that they were force to work by the Nie, Jin and other disciple from the other sect. After rescuing Wen Qing, Wen Ning and the rest of Wen Qing family, Wei Ying take them away from there. On his way down the mountain, a pe...

  • Xiao Zhan Travel To The Past (Slow Update)
    15.6K 1.3K 26

    When Wei Wuxian fall from the cliff, instead of getting summon back to the living world by Mo Xuanyu. He woke up in the distance future....the modern world. He woke up as Xiao Zhan. In this world only three people who still remember their past: Xiao Zhan, Song Lan, and Xiao Xingchen. They also still have their golden...

  • We Will Do This Together (slow update)
    81.8K 4.2K 27

    When Wei Ying woke up in the past during his time in Cloud Recesse, he is shock to see Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli in front of him. He remember seeing Jiang Yanli dying in front of him. "NO MORE!" Wei Ying ran out of there. 'No more! Why Am I Here?! Why Can't I Rest!? I'm Tire! I Don't Want To Do All Of This All Over...

  • Lan Zhan Leave Everything Behind (Book 1)
    66.1K 3.9K 26

    This is a story that take place after Wei Ying and Lan Zhan got save from the slaughter Xuanwu cave. When Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng went to go find Wei Ying, he end up freezing the two and then knocking the two unconscious. During the banquet Wei Ying decide to leave instead of going inside the banquet hall. When Wei...

  • Reverse Time
    56.7K 3.4K 22

    When Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan hand, Lan Zhan know that he doesn't want to live in a world where there is no Wei Ying , the person who he consider his soulmate. So he decide to jump after Wei Ying. "Wei Ying!" Wei Ying opened his eye, he see Lan Zhan falling toward him. "Lan Zhan?" Lan Zhan stretched out his hand fo...

  • Wei Ying Change People Fate
    70K 4.4K 42

    This story is similar to my other story "The Ties That Bind" It is similar but not the same. When Wei Ying was founded by Jiang Fengmian, he picked Wei Ying up. That is when Wei Ying start to see thing. When Wei Ying grow up he somewhat remember what happen when he was young. 'I wonder if that will happen again,' W...

  • Unforgivable
    79.5K 4.8K 29

    With his Shijie is gone, the Wen remnant is gone, the whole cultivation world is going against him..... Wei Wuxian won't forgive anyone. Wei Wuxian is hanging off the cliff by a hand that is holding onto his wrist, 'Only Lan zhan is the one who still believe in me. I can't kill him nor hurt him. I can't let Lan Zhan...

  • Wei Wuxian Take His Revenge
    82.1K 4.2K 35

    This story is different from "Yiling Laozu Disappear From The Cultivation World" but the first few paragraphs or so is the same but not all of it will be the same. After Wei Wuxian become unconscious he got taken back to Cloud Recesse. He remember what happen at the Guanyin Temple, "how in the world did I end up like...

  • What Have You Done To LAN ZHAN!?
    124K 6.5K 26

    One of the disciple from on of the clan is shooting his arrow at Wei Wuxian but in a flash the person he shot wasn't Wei Wuxian but.... Wei Wuxian eye went wide.... "Lan....Lan....LAN ZHAN!" Wei Wuxian catch Lan Wangji body in his arm. "Wangji!" When Lan Xichen is about to fly up to where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is...

  • Wei Ying....I'm Here
    244K 13K 49

    When Wei Wuxian fall from the cliff Lan Wangji decided to follow him. He know that Jiang Cheng is gone, so he pull out his Bichen and jump on it. He ride Bichen very fast to catch up to Wei Wuxian, he use his fully speed and he finally caught Wei Wuxian in his arm. Instead of taken Wei Wuxian back to the burial mound...

  • The Ties That Bind
    93.7K 5.3K 32

    Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji met when they were just a child. When they got older that memories disappear from their mind. They don't remember it. What happen when Lan Wangji ties his forehead ribbon to Wei Wuxian wrist, they begin to see future event that is about to happen. What will the two do? What will Lan Wangji do...

  • Reconnecting The Feeling (Book 2 - Not The Wei Ying Of The Past)
    25.9K 2K 22

    After traveling the cultivation world with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, Wei Ying decide to travel alone. He want to go to other place that he haven't gone before. Wei Ying end up at Tanzhou town, there he met Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan and their disciple. "Yo, isn't the Lan disciple." Will Lan Zhan be able to recognize Wei...

  • Not The Wei Ying Of The Past
    42.8K 2.3K 12

    When Wei Ying removed his hand from Lan Zhan hand, he look up at Lan Zhan, he can see the hurt, the sadness and how devastated Lan Zhan is when he see the person he love the most is falling down to the abyss below him. While falling down toward the abyss below him one thing went through his mind, 'Lan Zhan, if I coul...

  • Time Stop For Wei Wuxian
    81.3K 4.4K 22

    What happen if something suddenly happen at NeverNight? What if time suddenly stop? What if the sword stop half way above Jiang Yanli heart before it stab her? What if Lan Xichen know who is behind the second flute, what will he do? #1 - Wei Wuxian #5- Wei Ying

  • Yiling Laozu Disappear From The Cultivation World
    296K 15.4K 58

    After the event from the Guanyin Temple everyone believe that it was Wei Wuxian who try to kill Lan Wangji. Some people in black enter into the temple they said that Yiling Laozu order them to kill everyone in the temple. Lan Wangji jump in front of Wei Wuxian and got himself stabbed by one of the black man. Wei Wux...

  • Just Once More....One More Chance
    248K 12.9K 45

    When Wei Ying fell down the cliff he doesn't know that inside of his clothes there is an unfinished talisman. "Just once more chance." As the blood seep into his cloth from the arrow that hit his chest, the blood touched the talisman. It activated the talisman, a bright light surrounded the whole place. T...

  • Mending What Was Once Broken (A Broken Soulmate Book 2)
    91.9K 4.5K 31

    This is a sequel to "A Broken Soulmate" <<<

  • A Broken Soulmate (Book 1)
    145K 5.2K 22

    Wei Wuxian found his soulmate in Lan Wangji, one day he wanted to teased Lan Wangji because he never smile, always have on a stoic face and always silent. He want to know about this Lan Wangji as much as he can because he is his soulmate after all. But one day, when he went to go find Lan Wangji to talk to him, he ove...

  • Wei Ying Change His Childhood
    130K 7.8K 29

    After Wei Ying died in the burial mound during the siege somehow he end up in the past. A man, women and a child is walking along a road, the little boy see someone laying on the ground, "A-Die, A-Niang, look there someone up there!" They walk up to that person, "A-Ze, let's take this gongzi to town. We need to clean...

  • The Twin Prides of Yunmeng Wake Up In The Past
    163K 7.8K 24

    After the dual between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin, the two of them doesn't know that when they fall asleep that night they don't know what is about to happen to them. While sleeping in his bed Wei Wuxian hear, "A-Xian time to wake up. A-Cheng and you already sleep pass your breakfast." Wei Wuxian shot straight up, '...

  • A Mysterious Mask Man
    64.6K 3.2K 14

    After leaving the burial mound Wei Ying decide to not show his face to anyone. "Since I don't have a golden core anymore, I can only learn demonic cultivation. I can't stay in the Jiang clan anymore, I'm sorry Jiang Cheng but I have to leave the Jiang clan. And there is Lan Zhan, I'm sorry Lan Zhan, I can't let you f...

  • Jiang Wanyin Fix His: Mistake
    92.7K 4.5K 30

    After the death of his father, mother, sister, Jin Zixuan and Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng felt like there is no one left that in his family beside Jin Ling who is sleeping next to him since there is no one in Jinlintai that can look after him like he can. "Wei Wuxian, why? Why? Why? Why did you leave me behind like every...

  • The Fake and Real Wei Wuxian
    175K 7.2K 26

    What happen if Wei Wuxian drop his fake personality when Yu Ziyuan try to whip him with Zidian? He use his fast speed and went to slashed Wen Chao women across her throat before she can scream for Wen Zuliu. "Wei Wuxian what have you done?" Yu Ziyuan shouted at Wei Wuxian Wei Wuxian put on a smirk, his eye narrowed...

  • Wei Ying: Control Time and Space
    98.8K 4.8K 25

    A young child born with a golden core and a dark energy, his parent found about this when he turn five years old. They took him to go see Baoshan Sanren, his mother side of the family. She will teach this child how to control this energy with full control when he become older. When his parents pass away, he was found...

  • Wei Wuxian: Lost Memories
    90K 3.9K 34

    After, falling off from the cliff, Wei Wuxian got reincarnated into a body of a boy name Mo Xuanyu. He has sacrificed his body to bring Wei Wuxian back to the living world. After Wei Wuxian got reincarnated, he doesn't remember anything about his past life or who he is. When trying to save the Lan junior and other cu...

  • Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian Travel Back to the Past
    683K 27.1K 52

    What if both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian end up traveling back to the past after the two of them fall from the cliff when the rock gave away? Will they change the past? Will they be able to save everyone or thing will be like before? This will be my first fan fiction of MDZS, I'm sorry if my English isn't good. All of t...

  • Back From The Dead With Secret
    58.1K 3.2K 21

    When Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan hand, he waited for the impact of the ground with hIs body. Wei Ying didn't feel the impact instead he hear, "Wei Wuxian. This isn't the right way for you to die." "Who are you?" Wei Ying asked with his conscience. "My name is Hua Cheng. I saw what happen to you. I will show you whose...

  • Wei Ying, Let's Go Back (Slow Update)
    27.7K 1.6K 22

    After saving Wei Wuxian from NeverNight Lan Wangji take Wei Wuxian back to the burial mound. He set up a barrier so no one can get through. "Wei Ying...let's go back..." "Go...Back....where..." come a weak Wei Wuxian. "Go back to our 16 year old self....go back when we study in Cloud Recesse...." Lan Wangji held Wei...