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  • Horror House
    244K 6.1K 1

    The adventures of Xena, Emiley, and the Creepypastas. Warning: In order to understand a few things about this, you have to be reading my "Ask Dem Creepypstas". Also I'm not funny at all so this should be fun...

  • Drowing isnt the case (Ben drowned love story)
    369K 13.4K 29

    Stacy is a young girl living in a foster home due to her...... cruel past. She used to live with her father but after he got drunk and beat her he went a little far and tried to drown her. But something stopped him and killed him. Who was it? Or what was it? Read and find out!

  • Depths. (Ben drowned part two)
    45.6K 1.8K 13

    Yes its what you have all been waiting for! This is the next part to Drowning isn't the case! If you're new the first book is on my profile so just go and check that out :)