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  • Quotes
    491 105 41

    Awesome Quotes

  • If The Characters Of The Mortal Instruments Had Twitter.
    168K 6.8K 22

    A/N: [COMPLETE!!!] My ideas on what would go on if the characters of The Mortal Instruments had Twitter and the conversations they would have. XD enjoy. There will be twenty conversations in this story. :)

  • 30 Ways to Piss Off The Harry Potter Cast [Watty Awards 2011]
    891K 31K 16

    Do you have a death wish? Ever wanted to know how to piss off the members of the Harry Potter cast? Well now you know! 30 failproof ways to piss off Volde-er, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Snape, Malfoy Jr. and Sr., Bellatrix, the Golden Trio, Umbridge, and many more. :)

  • Best. Quotes. Ever. (AKA from The Mortal Instruments Series)
    45.2K 803 1

    The Mortal Instruments is the best series ever! These are just some of the many awesome quotes from the series. If you haven't read it, then these quotes are still hilarious but they'd make more sense if you read the books :)

  • Mortal instruments truth or dare
    53.1K 1.1K 20

    Truth, dare, double dare, torture, kiss or promise? Hmmm what to choose? Well let's see what the characters pick and what kind of funny and torturous things happen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on please read this book because I know you want too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • TMI Truth or Dare
    52.5K 1.7K 14

    I hope that cover brought some interest to this story. Sorry this is my first fanfic so... don't be too tough on me. I know a lot of people do this, so this is kind of an experiment to see if more people will read this. Enjoy my lovelies, "TMI Truth or Dare." There will be laughter, tears, and puke. I might add some...