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  • Faith On Allah... Imaan (Ibadah Book 2)
    18.1K 1.6K 15

    "I will destroy you and through you I will put your family in pain! Only then will they realise the pain of seeing a loved one suffer!" He looked into her Kohl rimmed eyes and spoke cruelly. "I won't suffer! I will show you what I am made of! You chose the wrong girl!" She glared at him with equal ferocity. Ma'arij Af...

  • Knowledge Every Muslim Should Know (Book One)
    169K 5.6K 79

    [R] Note: Contains some material not suitable for individuals under 16 years old. First book of my "Knowledge" series. This is a compilation of articles taken from authentic sources (Islam QA, Islamic Online University, and MuslimMatters) on topics I believe Muslims should be aware of. If you have a question, post it...

  • The Complete Human
    2.9K 199 16

    This is a atory about the most beautiful religion- Islam. It focuses on the person who is a role model for all the Muslims....Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), all about his life , his habits , his sayings, his likes and dislikes, his life standard , his way of living and many more things.Aside from the main story, I will a...

  • Poems by Imam ash-Shaf'i
    10.7K 586 11

    Amazing poetry of Imam ash-Shaf'i along with a some sayings. May Allāh have mercy on him.

  • Sunnah is My Style!
    214K 7.4K 83

    Have you ever felt so frustrated that you feel like kicking those lofty fashion-controlling guys and their switching styles when you find that your new hairstyle, which you got after much begging and coaxing your parents, just went out of fashion? And what about that special celebrity-like dress which you bought after...