Crowned Communionby SpragueThomson
A wish or prayer, appeal or beseeching for all. For all who suffered and suffer from the illness which strangles the World. For all who are lonely, confined, inside, afr...

ignis fatuus by SpragueThomson
Illusion cheats on our eyes, as it does with the virtual perception. An illusion isn't virtual, although the virtual can be an illusion. It's not the threshold between u...

bella donnaby SpragueThomson
In the garden grows one of the most poisonous plants, this plant is to ward off evil. Touch it and you'll die.

the duck dunkby SpragueThomson
In the abandonment there's a tilting point where the walls come closer and closer. Until the room is gone, that's where I set a new step, let the old go and found the lo...

superette by SpragueThomson
The notion of being ignored. I still felt the need to react, the doubt lingers if I shouldn't have done so.
To be ignored can only be answered by letting go in the first...

detergentby SpragueThomson
The how to is a phenomenon connected to this day and age. We all see the clickbait, the invitational banners, the lure with photos and videos. After the click this world...

christening by SpragueThomson
Maybe this poem needs to be introduced, maybe you just need to read it and follow your own path. The brazen lawlessness made me decide to post it. This individual needs...

syntax anarchyby SpragueThomson
Rules have a function, rules also exist to be tested. Especially in writing poetry, grammar needs to sing a lower tone next to rhythm or rhyme, but even without rhyme in...

the orderby SpragueThomson
When people say their freedoms are at stake they refer foremost to things like going to beaches, concerts, celebrations. Most cases mentioned are social gatherings where...

a cue for the phiby SpragueThomson
Is the golden ratio truly golden? Has this number truly been incorporated by painters and sculptors? Or is it just the rule of nature into what we perceive as more beaut...

the corona report by SpragueThomson
The inflammation infected all the way into the White House, where the piss stained prick could only admit to his very incompetence and get the load of his very own words...

sorry gameby SpragueThomson
Haiku, for a sorry soccer game. Gone forever. No more playing on this board. Close the game by folding it up and put it back in its box.

fender-bender-freak-rear-ender-cra...by SpragueThomson
How injury evolved me through and beyond the fucking pain of the insult.

shot spentby SpragueThomson
As a kid, this is how I looked when I was sick but didn't wanna be ill. My body remembers, so here I am having fought pain and discomfort, setback and mourning of an old...

a train lit by SpragueThomson
When all is dark, the light isn't only outside the tunnel, inside the tunnel burns a light too.